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  1. Re. 2-Meter Band
    Question for HAM experts: How would this affect AmRRON, a network of Preppers, Patriots and Redoubters? I believe about half of their local nets use this band.

        1. Just for your information, it’s not just in the northwest, but
          Nation wide local EMS depends on HAM groups to assist them in emergency situations

  2. Re. Amazon’s cabin kit

    This old coot remembers people building their own homes. Built two myself (not to be confused with ‘having one built’). Why do you not see that anymore?

    My advice: Before contemplating the construction of ANY building, subjects should understand their Master’s demands and obtain his permission.

    1. Montana Guy is saying true. Where I live, the cost of building is secondary to the price of open land and labor. Then there are permits, zoning, and taxes.

      Cover all your bases before ordering a cute pre-fab.

      Carry on

  3. A guy in my neighborhood is just about finished with a new house, using Integrated Concrete Forms (ICF) construction with a foot thick reinforced concrete base on the ground floor. The ground floor walls went up in a day or so after the forms were set. And that took about one day per level. IIRC, he left the walls to set for a week between pouring the next floor, which may have been more than needed. He built a concrete safe room on the ground floor as well. My only quibble with his design was he used wooden joists and floors between levels rather than pour concrete floors.

    With properly reinforced ICF, a house should be tornado and hurricane proof, earthquake resistant, and provide ballistic protection from small arms.

    1. We built one basically as you described. Great option. Very energy efficient. Utilities cost about half of our previous house about the same size.utilities will never be cheaper so energy efficiency is a really big deal. Aso makes it much easier to heat with alternative sources. The extra cost was recovered within the first three years of us living here. So from here on out it’s a significant savings every month. Oh and then there’s the ballistic protection…

  4. After reading the 2 meter reallocation, “confiscation” article I was not surprised that it is suggested by the French. Well, I lift my finger to them. I for one will keep on using it until my license / contract with the FCC runs out and they refuse to reissue it. This constitutes a taking under our laws. Sounds like another one sided Paris Climate Accord deal to me. It will of course become a mote point after the SHTF happens. I cannot wait for a French lackey arrives at my door with their odious bureaucratic rules and regulations.

  5. Lest anyone be packing their bags to head to the gun sanctuary city of Needles, CA, note that the high temperature today is expected to be 114° F.

    California makes open carry illegal. It may be a good idea for everyone to carry concealed in Needles. Open carry could result in serious burns to the hand if the gunowner was forced to draw.

  6. Re,2 meter band plan- This is a preliminary proposal to study changes to use in EUROPE!! There is no reason to panic.This is years away if ever.

    In any event if the SHTF we will be using whatever comms we want and will not be worrying about the FCC.

    Pay more attention to learning your HF radios, how to build antennas than some French proposal to study band reallocation.

  7. If within 25 miles of eachother, and terrian is favorable, try using the ground wave from a 160 meter NVIS antenna during the day when D layer absorbs, so there is no skip, long or short. 160 is rarely used, and only used at night. Be where everyone else is not. 160 meters NVIS antenna does not need to be higher than you can reach, and can be run or hung where ever convient. Also, use a BOG to listen (Beverage on the ground.)

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