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“Drop and give me 20 for Chesty Puller!” is forever etched in my memory. That and the knowledge of what those 20 were doing to the shine on my boot. 20 more for that.
Re: The Greater Generation:
Clicked on the highlighted term, yet no definition was found, but then it clicked in my head. Agree, the “greater generation” was my Grandfathers generation.. He was of poor immigrant parents, born in 1902. At the end of the horse and buggy era, he made and sold crystal powered radio sets on the streets of New York at age 14. He met Marconi. He started as a ditch digger for the American Telegraph and Telephone Company. Yet with only a 6th grade education, his career was remarkable. He even guest lectured at Harvard, and received an honorary EE degree. His team of engineers threw the switch that made the very first intra-net connection between the IBM and Hewlett Packard machines. And he retired just before the Moon landing as a VP. He, and Chesty Puller saw it all. And now we are seeing the end of it all.
Dear JWR, Thank you for honoring the late Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Puller, USMC Ret. He was simply the greatest marine to ever wear a pair of boots. Courage under fire in battle was truly one of his many fine character traits. I admire him for many things not the least of which was his great devotion to his loving wife. He set a fine example for fidelity in marriage. On a personal note, I am pleased that my son shares the same birthday as General Puller. In fact my son turned 30 years old today and has known since boyhood that he has the same birthday as CHESTY Puller. Oorah! I and my father are both former marines and it’s pretty cool that my dad once saw Chesty Puller while they were both on active duty in the 1950s. thanks again for this and for all you do. May God continue to bless you, your family, and your work. Don C.
P.S. When I was told to “Drop and give me twenty!” it often ended with “And one more for Chesty!”
I must have needed more “medicine” from Chesty Puller. After all Marine platoon sergeants are infallible.
Yep, all Marine platoon sergeants are infallible. At least the ones who commanded me made sure I believed that.
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“Drop and give me 20 for Chesty Puller!” is forever etched in my memory. That and the knowledge of what those 20 were doing to the shine on my boot. 20 more for that.
Re: The Greater Generation:
Clicked on the highlighted term, yet no definition was found, but then it clicked in my head. Agree, the “greater generation” was my Grandfathers generation.. He was of poor immigrant parents, born in 1902. At the end of the horse and buggy era, he made and sold crystal powered radio sets on the streets of New York at age 14. He met Marconi. He started as a ditch digger for the American Telegraph and Telephone Company. Yet with only a 6th grade education, his career was remarkable. He even guest lectured at Harvard, and received an honorary EE degree. His team of engineers threw the switch that made the very first intra-net connection between the IBM and Hewlett Packard machines. And he retired just before the Moon landing as a VP. He, and Chesty Puller saw it all. And now we are seeing the end of it all.
Dear JWR, Thank you for honoring the late Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Puller, USMC Ret. He was simply the greatest marine to ever wear a pair of boots. Courage under fire in battle was truly one of his many fine character traits. I admire him for many things not the least of which was his great devotion to his loving wife. He set a fine example for fidelity in marriage. On a personal note, I am pleased that my son shares the same birthday as General Puller. In fact my son turned 30 years old today and has known since boyhood that he has the same birthday as CHESTY Puller. Oorah! I and my father are both former marines and it’s pretty cool that my dad once saw Chesty Puller while they were both on active duty in the 1950s. thanks again for this and for all you do. May God continue to bless you, your family, and your work. Don C.
P.S. When I was told to “Drop and give me twenty!” it often ended with “And one more for Chesty!”
I must have needed more “medicine” from Chesty Puller. After all Marine platoon sergeants are infallible.
Yep, all Marine platoon sergeants are infallible. At least the ones who commanded me made sure I believed that.
Carry on