“Let us hope our weapons are never needed – but do not forget what the common people of this nation knew when they demanded the Bill of Rights: An armed citizenry is the first defense, the best defense, and the final defense against tyranny.” – Edward Abbey
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Thanks for the quote from Abbey, he is my favorite environmentalist. He was also once quoted as saying all of the immigrants fleeing other countries coming here should be given rifles and bullets and sent back home to do the work they need to do. He was against massive immigration as it harmed the environment unlike the open border commies in the environmental movement today.
Great quote. Great man. thank you.
I read his book “Desert Solitaire” and enjoyed it. Good historical context about a part of the country I spend a lot of time in. But he seemed to have the elitist opinion that regular citizens should be kept from enjoying the parks and government land and it should be locked away from us.