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  1. Worth a watch by ‘Off-Roaders’> ~Mass Damage Snapping Winch Cables~
    … It’s a 21 minute YouTube video demonstrating snapping wire and synthetic winching cables (flat-ropes). Weighting-down the cable may NOT be effective. [Amazing video] The weight is >suppose to cause, the cable to drop cable the ground, if something ‘gives way’ or breaks.

    ……… Anyone having their car pulled out of a ditch or snowbank, should stand very clear of the danger zone (if the cable breaks). The danger zone is much bigger than I thought. The video uses slow motion to demonstrate the ‘whipping action’ of the cable.

  2. That winch video was informative.Never been a offroad 4 wheeler,but do a lot of fishing.Getting hung up,a 1 oz. egg sinker smacking you in the forehead will get your attention.

  3. YouTube
    “…we’re partnering closely with lawmakers and civil society around the globe…”
    What or who is ‘civil society? That should scare the snot out of you!

    Burger King Brexit
    That’s brilliant.

    Typhoid in LA
    Somebody probably knows way more than I about this but wasn’t there a campaign to rid the cities of stray cats in the middle ages that, as a second order effect, helped the rat population explode creating a much larger vector population for this and other diseases? But this I do know, a similarly effective campaign has been going on in America, albeit “humanely” through neutering and spaying, of feral cat populations so that they die out in a single generation. Is this a contributing factor? We already know what happens when predation is curtailed. The prey become ill and vectors for disease and parasites. In fact, if I had a farm I’d keep some outdoor cats for certain. Although we think of them as pets they are actually ruthless and very effective hunters.

    American Sniper Rifles in India
    Wait, wut? Are they simply shooting those who, by way of invasion, violate their border? Oh, my, we can’t have sovereign peoples with enforced borders now can we? What? Oh, they can but we can’t. Now I understand.

    Africans Wade Across Rio Grande
    I’m far less interested in their country of origin, although that matters too, than if they believe in an ideology of conquest masked as a religion. See “Rifles in India” above for proper context.

      1. It’s been happening…. This has been going on for some time. Foreign nationsls from every corner of the globe come in through our southern border.

  4. The splitting of America continues. At some point, someone will come up with a competitor to YouTube and other venues. That will allow further splitting. States are already splitting across lines, legislating 180° apart on crucial issues. We’ve seen this movie before…. be ready

  5. While I have no offical numbers, and only unsubstaintiated numbers that vary greatly, these reports are presumably from border patrol offiers on the border. Estimates of these illegals range from 200,000 to 1 milion per month. If the lower estimate is correct, this is a massive invasion of persons many of whom are carriers of diseases either irradicated, or mostly unkown to our country, that are known to be antibiotic resistant and deadly, such a TB, Typhoid, plague, eboala, and more. Such a variety exotic diseases foreign to our people who may have little natural resistance, and that these disease can easily overwhelm our medical system, we therefore have little if any defense for the individual cases, and less defense againist the massive numbers of vectors (carriers), that there is the possibilty of epidemic of at least one, if not more, of these diseases. I am a simple uneducated layman, yet can see the possible threat this massive invasion poses, a soft sort of biological warfare has commenced. These diseases may not cause an immediate crisis, but they will not go away, but persist, and collectively are significant. Dr. Joe Alton is on the cutting edge of this potential crisis we face. Highly recommend his new and other books, Alton’s Antibiotics and Infecteous Disease available on Amazon, and at his site, survivalmedicine.com. I got a signed copy, and a battery of of several courses of each antibiotic discussed, yet given the antibiotic resistant traits of these invading diseases, self-quarenteen has to be considered. We have no choice , but to close the border, and deport.

  6. It is no secret that Fakebook and Twatter have been removing conservatives for some time. Many of us blog and comment on WordPress as well. They have been removing conservative blogs recently as well. A lot of us have set up back up blogs on WordPress to stave it off for a bit and force them to play “wack-a-mole” while we come up with alternatives.

    We have also turned to Gab and now Parler as alternatives to @Jackboots Twatter.

  7. They start with YouTube, and then seek out and destroy free speech in all venues. Google who owns YouTube, is everywhere. They can vacuum up any content from any computer connected to the World Wide Web, making backup files to a computer even more necessary.
    Several years ago, before censorship on the net was an issue, they were active. I have witness reports in real time, their ability to remove information in this way in only hours across the planet. Then there are soft forms of censorship, such as ‘shadow banning’, and seriously covert forms that I have been victim of many times. It must be that their super computers or AI are watching what we type as we type it, and if the content is deemed inappropriate, when it is posted, it can be made to be ‘disappeared’, namely, zapped and atomized. Was it simply a ‘glitch’, an anomaly, or censorship, I say not. Only my best stuff gets wiped on YouTube. Yet we cannot adequately document such violations, it must be experienced at least several times to make a correlation, and only a weak one at that. Yet I believe AI is a very serious threat. This was happening during the Trump campaign and continues today. Overt or covert, their multi-prong super high tech attack is effect at suppressing free speech. Survivalblog is a precious bastion that should be used and linked to on other platforms. Old school blogging, as well as many other lower tech means and things, the old becomes the new again, but out of necessity. It is YouTube today, but all other forms tomorrow. A retrograde to a redoubt already in place will be necessary. Survivalblog has the right stuff. Spread the link.

    Trump has reportedly hit the ‘go’ button, and is moving to stop this, and although happy about the report, I am not relieved about the threat until it is stopped, if can be stopped in time, or stopped at all. IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)(old school term for noobs), we were only successful at getting Trump though the White House door, because we not only prayed hard, but because we worked relentlessly as moved by His hand, and used the Internet across platforms to rallied the people to defend themselves from “enemies, foreign and domestic”. It was the Holy Ghost in action. I was there, slinging all I had at it, awakening in the night to hurl yet another assault. We pushed them back into a corner these dastardly, desperate, dangerously rabid rats from hell, who are now in a corner, and more a threat than ever, and will always be a threat until the people stomp out their lights. Yet alas, we can at best, I believe, hold them back only awhile, and even if Trump wins another term. Just cause Trump is ‘in’ does not mean we get the full reprieve. This is greater than us as a nation, it is a spiritual war. And the World Wide Ticking Debt Timebomb (WWTDT) will only tick louder as the hour approaches.

    Tunnel Rabbit out…..

    BTW, check out the modern version of Short Skip propogation, and modern directional form as well….

  8. How exactly have all these Africans come up with the money for trans-Atlantic fare? And living expenses until they get to our border?

    Just who is paying for this? If they had good jobs so they could afford it themselves, why did they need to come here?

    I think following the money on this one would be very interesting.

    1. Who knows in particular about these from Africa, but in general some say it is funded by a Soros organization and coordinated by the U.N. Regardless, the evidence strongly suggests that this massive wave of immigration is being organized and funded in a big way. Travel and living expenses are provided and Mexico is cooperating. It is a Globalist objective that seeks, I can image, to accomplish a number of things, such as use these people as future leftist/Communist voters, as vectors for a form of biological warfare, to overload our social services to justify a communist agenda, as minions in future rioters, to collapse the third world into the U.S. and use overwhelming numbers to dilute and overrun traditional America. The plan is already many years old in Europe, and can be seen unfolding .

      It has worked well . Europe will not likely recover as Muslim jihadist will out breed, out vote, and with brutal violence, simply dominate just as they are doing in Europe. They are also being supported by the EU through hosts governments. Look up the Alex Jones Show on GCN, or infowars.com, and other sites such as newswars.com.
      Trump has lot on his plate. After protecting our free speech, this invasion must be stopped. It will gather additional momentum, and there will be a crisis as a result. The border is close to being intentionally collapsed. Without a border, there is no country. The Globalists feel threatened and beaten back, and Trump is coming after them with a big stick (anti trust), and charges of treason for the big fish. If convicted of treason, the punishment of death, or life in imprisonment are real and dire consequences that are not acceptable. Anything is possible.

    2. JW,

      You can almost be assured that George Soros and his many underhanded organizations are funding the trips from Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere to invade our southern and sometimes, our northern borders. I live not far from the southern border. These people are NOT migrants; this is a planned invasion and is meant to collapse our system of government, so that whatever individuals or groups can ride in on a white horse and “rescue” us. Communism can finish taking over and we all lose our freedoms in one fell swoop. It is always about the means to the ends. As they have repeatedly told us, “never let a crisis go to waste”. This is them creating the crisis.

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