On December 21, 1620, William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims landed on what is now known as Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
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And they founded their faith in the words of the Geneva Bible. Many brave translators, ministers, and scholars had their lives taken from them violently when they worked under desperate conditions to give us God’s Holy Word directly in the English language, free from the dominion of England’s State/High Church tyranny.
King James was so moved to wrest back control of our souls from the working class that he convened his own translators and commanded that all copies of the Geneva Bible, God’s Holy Word, be burned, just as the tyrants sent agents across Europe to hunt down, murder, and burn the martyrs who translated the word into our language.
The pilgrims fled that tyranny, and came here to establish freedom. I won’t carry the KJV. Tynsdale’s translation works for me and mine. May God bless and forgive us, and lead us in his righteous ways, so that in the last days we may meet him face to face and hear the words, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant’.
We only use the Geneva bible [1599] on http://www.biblegateway.com
It is the purest translation into the English language in history…
I did not know this. Interesting. Thank you.
The actual “Plymouth Rock” might be the most disappointing tourist attraction I’ve ever seen.