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I can see now I’m going to have to enlarge my garden in the spring! These are wonderful suggestions.
I’m enjoying this article! The plants listed, so far, all grow in and around my yard and garden in the spring and fall when the weather is cooler. They do not like the heat in the mid-south. I harvest them for my rabbits, but next year I’ll be sure to dry some for medicinal purposes.
Friend M.C.–Might you have picture of lobelia and mallow before they bloom? Seems to me the leaves have more potency in the time before flowering.
You are doing a fine job, IMO. I greatly enjoy introducing people to edible weeds in our local area.
Carry on.
The mallow looks the same before blooming and during – except with the addition of flowers. For lobelia, I’d suggest on on-line search or a good field guide – just to be sure you have the right plant.
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I can see now I’m going to have to enlarge my garden in the spring! These are wonderful suggestions.
I’m enjoying this article! The plants listed, so far, all grow in and around my yard and garden in the spring and fall when the weather is cooler. They do not like the heat in the mid-south. I harvest them for my rabbits, but next year I’ll be sure to dry some for medicinal purposes.
Friend M.C.–Might you have picture of lobelia and mallow before they bloom? Seems to me the leaves have more potency in the time before flowering.
You are doing a fine job, IMO. I greatly enjoy introducing people to edible weeds in our local area.
Carry on.
The mallow looks the same before blooming and during – except with the addition of flowers. For lobelia, I’d suggest on on-line search or a good field guide – just to be sure you have the right plant.