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And the snowflakes court martialed him because he was right.
Forward thinkers always threaten those who are “stuck in the mud”.
Just read a piece in the American Legion magazine about how in September, 1918, Billy Mitchell led a raid of over 1,000 aircraft to bomb targets in Germany. Ahead of his time.
Carry on.
For the US Maybe, Air bombardments had been executed rather early in the Western(my Knowledge of the other Theatres is nonexistent)Theatre by both sides.
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And the snowflakes court martialed him because he was right.
Forward thinkers always threaten those who are “stuck in the mud”.
Just read a piece in the American Legion magazine about how in September, 1918, Billy Mitchell led a raid of over 1,000 aircraft to bomb targets in Germany. Ahead of his time.
Carry on.
For the US Maybe, Air bombardments had been executed rather early in the Western(my Knowledge of the other Theatres is nonexistent)Theatre by both sides.