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    1. They are manufactured in medium, large and extra large. They are also available in over a dozen locations across the internet including eBay. $90 for a dozen quality gloves is not overpriced nor exorbitant. As is often the case, you get what you pay for. Also when given the option I believe it is best to try and buy American made.

  1. We shouldn’t look to the movie Sahara for guidance on tactical operations?!?!? If I can’t plan on taking down modern attack helicopters with civil war era cannons that I found in a buried shipwreck then I need to scrap my current homestead defensive playbook and start over. Thanks JWR, thanks a lot.

  2. Watch the video Lauren Southern did on trying to enter a Muslim “no-go zone” called Lekemba. This is Sidney Australia, and she had a local policeman prevent her from simply walking by the Mosque.

    He kept saying she was going to cause “an imminent breach of the peace”, and as such would “commit an offense.” Note that the people who would physically attack her were not committing the offense, SHE was committing an offense by simply being there.

    She rightly identified this as the policeman enforcing Sharia Law, and that this area was essentially “conquered land” where normal western standards of freedom were not allowed.

    (a side note: the local media were tipped off, rushed to the scene, and apparently produced the inevitable PC reporting, making her out to be a racist trouble maker while telling the viewer that nothing happened… meaning no Muslim race riots… nothing to see here, everyone go back to sleep.)

    God help the Australian people.

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