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  1. Credit Ratings Agency Offers Dim Outlook for Rural America:

    If politicians would quit making promises they know they can never afford to keep then the cost of government would go down, not up. Make bureaucratic retirements 401K’s instead of defined benefit. Look at privatizing, opening up to the free market, those parts of government that can easily be farmed out. Actually look seriously at privatizing the roads. There is more, much more, that governments can do to minimize their own costs. Finally look at how the State and Federal governments interfere in the operations of local rural governments.

    Look at your own rural government. What obvious changes do you see that would reduce their costs and bring serious efficiencies to their operations? Have you discussed this with anyone, either friend or official? Think about it, surely there is some change you would like to see made.

  2. Why is the Israeli Shekel a fraudulent fiat currency instead of being tied to silver (original) or Gold?

    Were they to do so, I’d use them as better than the USD FRNs.

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