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  1. Going this week to buy my winter supply of hay . 4 x 5 round bales for $15 . I have trimmed my herd of fainting goats down to 15 and will only need 10 bales to get through even a long hard winter . Non-gmo feed at the local Amish mill is $9.50 per 50# bag which will cost around $500 for the whole winter . Come spring we will have 1000# of great meat available for butchering or breeding . SlowFoodUSA ‘s prestigious ” Ark of Taste ” award has been granted to the Fainting Goat breed as the best tasting of all Heritage breeds . That $650 in feed costs plus a lot of homegrown labor will provide 1000# of meat at .65 cents per pound . It is around $8.50 per pound at Krogers in the capital city here in the Buckeye . The garden is growing with tropical vigor and canning will soon be underway .

  2. So I look up a grain price chart https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=XC71zD%2b2&id=2A7C933AE15426C8DC9F3487232093F548728C10&thid=OIP.XC71zD-2F1mhnn8C0iGmvwHaE9&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.valuewalk.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2013%2f07%2fGrain-Price-Chart.jpg&exph=389&expw=581&q=grain+price+chart&simid=608023958305899021&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0

    and lo and behold if there is any blip from the “trade war” it is invisible. But look at the HUGE price increase in 2008. My point is this grain price is all over the place and factors more important than tariffs seem to drive it. I suspect the whole tariff argument is pure BS.

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