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And for the banks add in FinTech mobile pay and other such services as well as the behemoths trying to get a handle on Crypto and not very well at that, it’s beginning to dawn on traders and investors that the traditional bank is becoming a thing of the past. Oh they’re still going to be around as .guv control points on money but WE DON’T NEED YOU ANYMORE!!!
And PS. Deutsche Bank is very likely insolvent, they just don’t know it yet.
Keep your stops tight and your head on a swivel.
I really look forward to when you do focuses on cool things like vintage typewriters, tractors, and other items of collectible value. I hope something like that is coming up soon.
Reading the articles on antique investing and investing in collectibles made me wish I had a larger place. Now is the time to buy blue chip antique furniture. It is also the time to sell your comics. The market is going insane right now and 90s comics are starting to go up in price when graded. You can thank the movies for the movement in the comic market.
I note the recent ‘dip’ in silver spot price hasn’t reflected a commensurate ‘dip’ in the price of physical. Probably a reliable sign this is the bottom.
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And for the banks add in FinTech mobile pay and other such services as well as the behemoths trying to get a handle on Crypto and not very well at that, it’s beginning to dawn on traders and investors that the traditional bank is becoming a thing of the past. Oh they’re still going to be around as .guv control points on money but WE DON’T NEED YOU ANYMORE!!!
And PS. Deutsche Bank is very likely insolvent, they just don’t know it yet.
Keep your stops tight and your head on a swivel.
I really look forward to when you do focuses on cool things like vintage typewriters, tractors, and other items of collectible value. I hope something like that is coming up soon.
Reading the articles on antique investing and investing in collectibles made me wish I had a larger place. Now is the time to buy blue chip antique furniture. It is also the time to sell your comics. The market is going insane right now and 90s comics are starting to go up in price when graded. You can thank the movies for the movement in the comic market.
I note the recent ‘dip’ in silver spot price hasn’t reflected a commensurate ‘dip’ in the price of physical. Probably a reliable sign this is the bottom.