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  1. RE: Civil War Era Wound

    I would think that you would know that, for OPSEC, you would never sign up for Face Book. You can’t see the pic without loging in. Never ever.

    1. I’m not a facebook user either and it stumps me why you “must” log in to even see something on facebook. I was looking for a contractor the other day and two of them had only facebook sites. In other words if I wanted to contact them or see if they did the kind of work I needed I had to be a facebook user. How is this good for them? Because of it I went to a contractor from online yellow pages. I did a similar thing with a restaurant choice a few days ago. I may never know what that one restaurant who is only on facebook serves since I can’t see their menu. I am a proud non-member of Costco for the same reason. Why would I pay to be a memeber of a store where I can shop and spend my money. Walmart lets me in for free and even greets me at the door.

  2. No big surprise , saw absolutely no mention of D-day by the lame stream media . Dont watch a lot of Tv , but local news and NBC morning show totally dropped the ball . No small wonder young people are so willing to forfeit god given rights for all of us .

      1. I wish more people would take the initiative to be as involved in their children’s education as you have . Last year I went to an informational school tax budget meeting , there were as many people there to speak as to listen . 4 speakers 3 or 4 concerned citizens . I was at least encouraged by the fact our school has brought back Future Farmers of America ( FFA ) and the program seems to be doing well . Most parents are to busy trying to keep up with the Jones’ or catch the big game to be involved in education . During the school year these kids see teachers more hours a week than they do their parents . Some feel their responsibility in education ends with paying school taxes . Thank you and keep up the good work .

    1. Yeah, very little coverage of D-day… sad… my dad always said he arrived “D-day plus 3”
      I used to talk about stuff like this to younger co-workers… they had no idea what I was talking about… I might as well have been talking about the Battle of Hastings… they can tell you more about Cinco de Mayo than their own history…

  3. Victim shot by back-flipping FBI agent says he initially thought an ‘idiot set off a firecracker’
    (2018, June 7)

    Firearm safety rule #3

    “Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target. This is the Golden Rule. Its violation is directly responsible for about 60 percent of inadvertent discharges.”


    1. Only 60%? Closer to 99%,time to disarm the FBI(Waco,Ruby Ridge were the proofs they are domestic terrorists). If the perp had any alcohol while carrying he needs a long sentence. Was he using a retention type holster? If not the liability is huge

  4. Rattlesnake,

    Folks taught me to immediately cut the head off of any snake and bury it deep.

    A “dead” snake can kill you.

    The exception being one that has bitten someone, the doctor will need for antivenom perscribing. Carefully, put it in a secure container, using an implement or stick.

  5. I’ve killed several rattlesnakes that came a little too close to my home. I usually dispatch them with a shovel decapitation… and I will attest to the fact that a disembodied head will react to movement and attempt to bite ( opening the mouth and erecting the fangs) even though there is no body to move it forward. Reptiles are cold blooded creatures and have a different metabolism than mammals. As long as the tissues are still oxygenated the creature will live. In my experience the head is usually dead after about 10 or 15 minutes, although the body will continue to squirm. (My wife hates it when I put them in the freezer still moving… waste not, want not, I say… tastes just like chicken… well, sort of… using a nice asado bbq rub helps)

  6. Failure to acknowledge the great sacrifice made on D-day is a disgrace . Hopefully some of the young people you spoke with retained the info and passed it forward . Thank you and keep telling the story of how our parents and grandparents saved the world.

  7. my dogs get bitten once a year or so by rattlesnake (one of them, anyway) and the last one I had to stomp it to death using my MUCK boots, since it would’ve gone underneath my shipping container and bitten again. I see several every year and if you live in texas, you ought to know better than to pick on up by hand after it’s dead! I use a stick or whatever is close by and put it out of reach of my dogs since they’re still curious about a moving snake and I’ve seen one decapitated snake head keep biting after 45 mins!

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