“America is like an exotic hothouse plant. It can only live now in the artificial environment of vaccinations, sterilization, and antibiotics we started creating a hundred or more years ago.” – William R. Forstchen, in One Second After
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Wow. That quote says a lot.
My aunt created a nice extensive genealogy of my family going back 7 generations. The one consistency in it is that about half the children born in every generation died before age 18. Until, that is, vaccinations and antibiotics. I was in grade school when the polio vaccine was distributed. My mother had polio when she was a child and she was always worried (no terrified) of polio. I was 5 or 6 when my mother and I went to visit an uncle in the hospital in an iron lung because of polio. I would have four more brothers and sisters if vaccines had been created a few years earlier. I embrace vaccines and of course antibiotics.