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  1. BNSF RR is adding a second mainline track (bypass siding) along the stretch from Bonneville Dam thru North Bonneville,WA to facilitate an increase in coal and oil train volumes.

  2. Everyone should read comments by Mr Smith from the article refugee resettlement in Sandpoint. He is spot on as to the dangers of the cult known as islam and the silent invasion we are facing.

  3. Just wanted to say a big thank you to Stanley Idaho for it’s hospitality while we stayed there for the eclipse.

    As to the question by ww, many diesel pickups can carry an auxiliary tank in the bed that holds additional fuel. I have a 60 gallon model in mine that lets me travel nearly 2,000 miles before needing fuel. Perhaps this is what his solution was.

  4. ‘This acquisition leave S&W well-positioned. Why? What if the Hearing Protection Acts gets through Congress. Yee-haw!’
    For a group which claims to be libertarian, it appears you are not above using government legislation to help drive business. Seems a bit socialist, don’t you think?

  5. Re Know Buddy: It is hardly Socialist, since the Hearing Protection Act REMOVES government interference. Businesses that have been interfered with will naturally be happy and do better when government legislation stops stifling business.

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