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  1. Regarding the crowds on demand, and Charlotte riots, I have a friend who is LEO and he was assigned to Charlotte riots and told me they were arresting people with out of state drivers licenses.

    I knew folks were bused in, but I was unaware of the”crowds on demand” ads on the internet.

    Thank you for the great article, and all that y’all do!

  2. Regarding the recruitment of left wing agitators for pay. I assume the people or groups doing this are wealthy globalists. Why haven’t we had anyone that live in cities wrecked by paid for agitators or hurt by them physically sue these globalists in a class action suit for damages? Soros has more money than God. The USA has more lawyers than Yellowstone park has trees. What are they waiting for?

    1. Soros has more money than God. The USA has more lawyers than Yellowstone park has trees. What are they waiting for?

      Simple, the government is not opposed to what Soros is doing. In fact, the Republicans and Democrats working together, are very much in favor of what this Nazi youth is doing.

      Remember always, the Republicans and Democrats, working together, have caused every problem that exists in this country today. Think of a problem, put the phrase “Republicans and Democrats, working together, have caused…” in front of that problem and you can see how well it all fits together.

      Scumbag politicians.

  3. We keep allowing the Left to control the narrative and the meaning of words. This short 10 minute video explains the forms of government and then exposes the medias bias in their so called “reporting” of the Charolttesville WWE performance act:

    So different parts of the democrat party have a fight and it is the republicans fault, as usual.

    democrats = American socialists
    Nazi = German socialists
    Communists = Russian socialists
    Fascists = Italian socialists
    KKK = white democrat election muscle, famously led by Sen Robert Byrd (D)
    Black lives Matter = black democrat election muscle
    Antifa = college age socialists who don’t know that fascists are also socialists

    Now had any of these Left organizations attacked a TEA party event then it would be Left vs Right, instead this is like the old wrestling TV shows putting on a show for their own entertainment.

  4. I preface everything I am going to say with “In My Opinion”. I have no proof other than observation of the last few years. Obviously I could easily be wrong.

    I believe the Charlottesville riot was at least partially staged with the cooperation of political leaders of Charlottesville. Same with Berkley. Same with Portland and other places. Note that Charlottesville voted approximately 80% for Hillary.

    The police in Charlottesville appeared to have specifically funneled the AntiFa group into the White Nationalists and then made only moderate attempts to break up the fight.

    Put aside for a moment that Nazis really are leftists. They are painted as being on the right in public discussion and are then used to bludgeon the conservative right. Funneling the white nationalists into the leftists was a win-win situation for the left. If the white nationalists get beat up, it is a win to the left as it stokes their confidence and shows their power. If the white nationalists beat up the leftist, it shows what vicious thugs the “right” is.

    The leftists got a bonus in Charlottesville. They got a martyr. While horrible for the individual and the family and for civil society at large, not much better could have come out of it from the left’s perspective. Never mind that the perpetrator was a mentally unstable white nationalist “leftist” in reality. Now we have a base to paint the whole right as homicidal maniacs. And continue the attempted coup going on with our current President.
    And call for more gun control/disarming of the masses. And all the other objectives of the left.

    Do I think they orchestrated the entire event from start to finish? Probably not, although I am not 100% sure of that. Do I think they saw a relatively predictable event/opportunity and then sprang into action with a pre-planned play book. IMO yes.

    And I would also say that I believe this play book is nation wide and (I will use the word) this conspiracy is at the very least loosely national and global. I do not believe most of this is spontaneous or organic although it takes advantage of some legitimate organic issues and aggravates these issues. And I believe it is globally financed and not just by Soros but by many others we may or may not know of.

    And I predict, absent some type of major event that resets this situation, that we will see more of this. The left will attempt to create violence in our streets with the conscious assistance and direction of many of our Big City politicians. And the media will distort it to the left’s advantage.

    Where have we seen this before? Nazi Germany, 1930s. Probably Russia, 1910s. That is where we are IMO.

    1. Kudos to JBH! “And I believe it is globally financed and not just by Soros but by many others we may or may not know of.”

      IM0 you are on target with the above comment. Even though Soros is a very powerful and wealthy scumbag, I in no way believe that he alone could do all of this without the cooperation of others. Certainly many globalists are colluding with him in an effort to achieve their goals. And the globalists have been at it for quite a long time.

      Power=money and money=power
      And as we all know, the love of money is the root of all evil.

  5. @ender
    Thank you. I had seen that video before, but it is worth watching again, and again!
    We seem to be at about the 9 minute mark of the video. Hopefully we can stop there and go back to being the Constitutional Republic we are supposed to be.

  6. In 2007, the median net worth of black households was $19,200. (median = 50% above, 50% below).

    By 2013, after the Great Bailout of the Democratic-controlled Congresses of 2007-2010 –and after 5 years of the Democrat’s First Black President– black median net worth had collapsed to only $11,000.


    Meanwhile, Democrat billionaires hauled money out of the US Treasury in wheelbarrows.

    Hence why the Democratic leadership is so desperate to create a fake enemy — so that black voters will be distracted away from seeing who has really stabbed them in the back.

    In my opinion, the Washington Post, NY Times, and 5 TV networks are a pack of liars — and their biggest lie is that they try to inform the voters. Seen any of the talking heads discussing the above?

    Ever wonder WHY the blow-dried morons who claim to report the news are multi-millionaires?

  7. All the Left has now is the Nov 4 temper tantrum plan. Since Obama and the Left went full steam ahead on the transformation of America (the 100 year slow baby steps was working but they thought it was time to speed it up), the democrats have lost 4000 elections at every level of government, city, state and fed. They have never been weaker and they went all in for Hillary to continue the socialist charge. If not for the cowardly republicans rolling over for a belly rub at every turn this would be obvious to everyone in America. So the mission is to distract and destroy.

    Using the media, as we have come to expect and accept, to lie and advance the false narrative that Trump is a fascist and is failing to discourage his supporters and embolden his haters to action. They desperately need Trump to fail if they expect to win any future elections. Even if he doesn’t fail the media will report that he has just to keep the distractions going from all sides.

    The republicans lied for the last 7 years to win elections, not expecting to actually win it all and have to come thru with their promises and they are exposing themselves everyday thinking they are untouchable. They haven’t been paying attention to the people that actually voted for them and keep trying to please people who would and never will vote for them. It’s going to get messy in the coming elections.

  8. “as Nationalist Socialists. Last time I checked, that was still considered a far-left movement”

    No actual national socialists showed up at the rally because the organizer Kessler was jewish.

    Everyone on the right knows that WHITE LIVES MATTER triggers the left more than swastikas, because you wont catch on video jewish lesbians spray painting it on their house before burning it down for insurance money.

    See the 16 points of the alt-right at

    15.The Alt Right does not believe in the general supremacy of any race, nation, people, or sub-species. Every race, nation, people, and human sub-species has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to dwell unmolested in the native culture it prefers.

  9. According to Wikipedia Nazi’s were far right wingers. Of course Wikipedia has it wrong, again. Too many of their writers are on the political left.

    As an aside, 2 points:
    1. Breitbart is reporting that even the police on the scene are saying that the Kid in the Challenger was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Got scared when the crowd surrounded his car and started beating on it with baseball bats. Panicked and hit the gas. It seems there is a lot more to this part of the story.

    2. Has anyone considered that George Soros may have been funding both sides? In chaos there is opportunity. This treasonous SOB loves chaos. Need to get special forces to take him and his son out and then close his foundations and businesses.

  10. Time to stock up on colibri .22 ammunition.
    No powder, fires off the primer in the rim, sub sonic, very quiet, not necessarily lethal, but the ones you hit, will know they’ve been hit.
    Will be great for future Charlottesvilles.

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