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    1. That is what I’m seeing for used ARs, here at gun shows in the Inland Northwest. You can also presently “part up” an M4gery for about $325 if you shop around for the best prices on stripped lowers and parts. And here is an example of what you can presently find on Internet forums.

  1. Couldn’t agree more on the magazine comments. If you believe that the prices will remain low as they are now, you’re deluding yourself. Buy them. Stash them. Same with black rifles. Buy them, grease them. Stash them. You, or your descendants, will be glad you did one day. In my opinion, the best investment available. Ask yourself, “What would I pay for something I can’t buy.”

    1. Steve

      Gunmagwarehouse.com (I have no affiliation but I think they’re a site sponsor) is selling 10’packs of 30’rojnd pmags for 74.99. Add it $5 bucks for shipping and you’re under $8 a mag. I’ve made several orders through the site, they’re very good and very fast.

    2. Cheaper than Dirt or Midway USA have had a $84.99 for 10 30 round PMAGs sale several times this year.

      Get on their email list and you’ll occasionally see the sale.

      I can’t agree more with this article!!!

      The only time you’ll truly need an extra magazine, it will be a necessity not an “extra”.

  2. Firearms Magazines:

    The AWB of 1994 really damaged my calm.

    I probably have some kind of PSTD from it. No, really…

    I have harsh memories of looking for a replacement G21 13rnd mag for months and then having to pay $200 for it.

    When you mention it, some folks who didn’t experience it, give you the deer in the headlights look, and seem to think that mags grow on trees.

    So, these recent flash sales on mags are very hard to resist.

    But, as long as you don’t go into debt, stack them so high that they can fall over and hurt you, or block entrances, investing is okay and maybe even therapeutic.

    One thing to remember is that these flash sales drain the special fund for NV and Thermal scopes, that are force multiplying and give tactical advantage.


  3. Can’t agree more on buying mags. Even if you are short on money, buying 1-2 a month adds up quickly. Buying quality OEM or trusted brands like P-Mags are a good way to go. Brand recognition makes them easy to sell ahead of any changes in the law. Also don’t forget repair kits for your guns – for some reason these sell out just as quickly whenever mag or ammo restrictions are enacted. Another to add to the list is Springfield Armory high capacity mags (i.e. XDM 9mm). Glock 19 is also very popular in this area and sometimes people prefer a mag that fits their gun perfectly.

  4. One more idea – when high cap magazine bans are enacted (or look like they have a chance of passing) lower capacity mags increase in price dramatically until manufacturers catch up with demand. That can take months, if not years. Storing away a few 5-10 round magazines that typically use 20-30 round mags can also prove to be profitable.

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