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  1. Lot of things to think about… without exposing yourself to the belly of the beast. Might I suggest migrating from google to startpage.com? They also have a low cost secure e-mail service at startmail.com.

  2. If the Yellowstone supervolcano was hit with 878 earthquakes, they must have been small tremors, and this is a GOOD thing. These little tremors are relieving the stress along the fault line and caldera, little by little, instead of letting it build up to one BIG stress and large scale earthquake and volcanic release.
    It’s when the tremors STOP, and the area around the Yellowstone caldera starts to rise and bulge, THAT’S when you need to worry and un-ass the AO.
    (spoken from one who lives close by, along the Salt Lake City Wasatch fault)

  3. I was up at Yale Lake the day before Mt St Helens blew, and was also growing up in Alaska when the Good Friday 9.0 earthquake happened, in both instances there was NO advance warning, beautiful day, calm waters, sun shining, then Bam, the next little fishing village down the Alaska coast from me was completely washed away, the only things left were a few pieces of wood. Not even any bodies. As for Mt St Helens, once the ash cloud went up, there were still people who refused to believe it could get as bad as it did, and continued to live their lives, they are all dead today. I was just at the Oregon coast talking to shopkeepers, and they said the tsunami advice they were given on what to do when the Cascadia tsunami occurs, was “grab your purse and run uphill as fast as you can” DO NOT WAIT to go home or even lock your store, stay away from roads and rivers, because the incoming water will follow the path of least resistance, churning madly down the roads and rivers. The coast roads are deathtraps, even on nice days the traffic is bumper to bumper on those one lane each way roads.

  4. Good advice: “On that day that the warning comes, regardless of where you live, empty your bank account and buy what you need with your visa.”

    But, what to buy? Food! That’s easy but what else? Clothes, guns, ammo, etc. That’s easy too but what else, I’m not out of money yet…

    How about a pallet of plywood? Not as crazy as it might sound. Or a pallet of 2×4’s or pounds of nails and screws? Think outside the box. What would be worth buying while the money was still useful that would become like gold after the money was no good?

  5. Old Bobbert, I ask that you look into the first book I reference below for first person accounts of what happened at the Superdome and elsewhere in New Orleans after Katrina. I stand by what I posted on Tuesday.

    You repeat a common misconception about Hurricane Katrina. Please back it up with some reputable sources. Two books in my library, A Paradise Built in Hell by Rebecca Solnit and The Unthinkable: Who Survives when Disaster Strikes–and Why by Amanda Ripley claim that the lamestream media reported mostly the scary incidents and (as usual) neglected the stories of compassion and heroism. You don’t have to follow their example.

  6. In my previous comment I neglected to thank you, brother, for your good advice. I’ll reference the gentleman who wrote of horizontal relationships last month. Developing a trusted network will be a big step toward saving your bacon. Carry on.

  7. Here are some more interesting acts KATMAI 1912 ERUPTION, a book I read years ago an explorer was on Mt. McKinley when Katmai erupted. and claimed that the eruption caused the New Madrid quake and the peak of McKinley to shift and create 2 peaks. Katmai area Is now called the land of 10,000 smokes. Look up Katmai eruption. On 27 June, 1992, the Crater Peak vent on the south side of Mt. Spurr awoke from 39 years of dormancy and burst into sub-plinian eruption after 10 months of elevated seismicity. Two more eruptions followed in August and September. I was in Anchorage for this event and the event wasn’t fun. You couldn’t find a painters dust mask anywhere in the city or state. Oil and air filters for vehicles were scarce. The U.S. Geological survey reported a powerful earthquake – 162 miles (261 km) southwest of Anchorage, Alaska – which struck around 1:30 a.m. local time Sunday morning, January 24, 2016. It is being variously reported as a 7.1-magnitude and a 6.8-magnitude; USGS is saying 7.1 at this time. I was in bed sleeping at the time and it was a real quick wakeup.
    With a volcano eruption if you are downwind of the ash cloud you must also prep for your livestock. I was outside when Mt. Spurr erupted and when the ash cloud hit my skin burned (tingled) and my eyes and the inside of my nose burned from the acid in the ash. If this happens get your animals inside and or covered as best as you can. make sure their feed and water is free of ash contamination.

  8. I forgot in January 2016 before the earthquake one of the 2 weekly ships that come to the port of Anchorage went down for 3 days of maintenance that turned into 3 weeks. Alaska gets 90% of it’s supplies from these ships and the grocery shelves were getting very thin and then the earthquake happened. It got my wife on board for prepping at least for a little while.

    1. While we are in full agreement concerning the unstoppable downhill plunge of the fiat monetary system, I do not find any thing good or joyful concerning the event. there are huge numbers of honest frugal folks who go to work every day, pay their bills on time or even early, support their particular faith financially. teach their children by word and examples excellent principles of behavior and honor. Their families will be totally devastated by the system collapse. and they are not guilty of any misdeeds in any way whatsoever. they are innocent victims.

      1. Mr Bobbert, I am one of those, so my words still stand !, so my question for you is how will things change to a honest money supply without the fiat system being brought down ? the SYSTEM is broken , corrupt, slavery of the worst kind , the hidden military industrial complex that is the real power is truly evil and parasitic, if it is NOT destroyed then we will ALL collapse under the tax and power of Govt run wild, whats YOUR answer then ? there are only two options left , are there not ?. How will you make people like Soros etc accountable without taking away the thing they cherish most power and money ?. Answer you can’t.

        1. There was a time, long long ago, in another place far far away, wherein the currency, a special piece of green paper, then in use by the people was accurately referred to by a single truthful word, a simple word with a simple and singular definition. the special word was note “, and the note was then, and now, n instrument denoting “debt”. the individual person then in possession of the “note” could use the note as a part of an exchange with another person, or any legal entity, for whatever the two parties could agree to. and that was a tax free, government free activity. provided that everything else about the exchange, “the barter event” was legal and upright. but hit, the exchange, the deal, also had 2 other major elements for it would be recognized world wide as the real deal. #1 was the wordage stating that any holder of a note could walk into any regular local bank and therein redeem, not exchange, the note for a certain amount of money, not paper currency,. you see, money was universally recognized as being “only ” gold or silver coins, and never paper, no matter how special it may have been though to be, no-how any-way any-where.
          ok, we are not there right now. so here is how i would get u back there now. as leader of the no longer free world, i would put in place a “vat ” tax on imports and slowly start buying gold and silver, that would start about 10 seconds after i outlawed the federal banking system, which is actually a business deal not subject to audit or taxation. i would not issue any ire currency until i had silver on hand in a exact balance , dollar to dollar.

          soooo, have a nice day until the dreaded incident and afterwards, if you are still alive, we can talk about looking to a new type ( smart and honest ) of leader to do such as i have suggested.

          1. two things, I will do MY best to be alive and live well and survive, the early founders deided to fight for a just system of Government and write a constitution to back it up, note its also written that tyranny is to be fought against with force, ie defend it!,if need be, where is the defending today ????, doesnt exist,I think that there is lotsa talk and thats it, well we ALL allow those clowns in DC to do what their corrupt reprobate minds do, don’t we ?, greed is the sin of all men and all have fallen my book says.If the public had a lick of common sense and brains then same sex marriage should not even be spoken of, but it is, because people are too cowardly to speak up, so much for innocence, cant blame our education system for our ignorance, I have a choice to be stupid, as do all, oh have a good day.

  9. Whereby this list is meaningful it does not mention the one item that the authors of this website have written very little to nothing about. The fires that will burn out of control in the Redoubt due to nuclear attacks by North Korea or their ilk. Look at he air quality right now Western Montana. It is mild compared to what will be. I would not make my home in the valleys or forested areas of any state for this reason.

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