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  1. Two comments on gold: first, it’s obvious by now that gold prices are being manipulated and that physical gold is getting more and more scarce. Therefore, paying attention to short term price trends is a waste of time. Continue accumulating as you have the money. In a crisis, the manipulation will no longer be possible and the price will reach its appropriate and much higher level.

    Second, it’s worth watching the first John Wick movie for its treatment of gold. Perhaps I’m paranoid (OK, yes), but the camera shots of stacks of gold coins in Wick’s floor and Vigo’s safe look like government-sourced propaganda. “Only criminals and assassins want gold,” is the message. Plan accordingly!

  2. Why people get all upset when gold and silver drops “dollar” value perplexes me.
    We’re not going to cash out until our dollars become worthless. That’s the point, isn’t it?
    And at that time, precious metals won’t be valued in terms of “dollars”, but in terms of “what can I get for an ounce in labor, material, goods”.
    For this reason, people should be buying precious metals on a regular basis regardless of price, as what you pay for it now becomes irrelevant once we’re in a situation that requires using it.

    1. Right on the money.
      And if possible, use an untracked source for payment such as cash or a money order.
      Just remember that over a certain amount, money orders require ID. At the PO it’s $3000.00.

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