The Editors’ Preps for the Week

To be prepared for a crisis, every prepper must establish goals and make long-term and short-term plans. Steadily, we work on meeting our prepping goals. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors share their planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, property improvements, and food storage. This is something akin to our Retreat Owner Profiles, but written incrementally and in detail, throughout the year. We also welcome you to share your planned activities for increasing personal preparedness in the coming week. (Leave a Comment with your project details.) Let’s keep busy and be ready!


Dear SurvivalBlog Readers, and שש 🙂

It was a beautiful week weather-wise here in the Northern American Redoubt. We accomplished many projects this week.

Building Infrastructure and Maintenance

Jim finally completed the plumbing and electrical projects this week.

Jim also dropped a few more small dead-standing Larches, cut them into five foot lengths, and stacked them.

On a lovely sunny and warm afternoon, Lily scrubbed our porch decks (“Swabbin’ the decks, Matey!”) with diluted bleach water and a scrub brush. (The whole time she worked on them she was thinking of the American pioneer women scrubbing their puncheon floors with water, sand, and brushes). It’s amazing how a few years of dirt and mold build up in the Trex. They’re looking bright shiny and clean now.

In the Garden

This week in the garden, Lily weeded nearly everything. She spent at least ten hours at the job. She weed-whacked the garden paths and planted Red-leaf lettuce, White onions, Walking Onion bulbs and planted more garlic cloves in her garlic bed.

She put more compost around squash plants that seemed to be growing too slowly, and sprinkled Epsom salts around her Potato plants to increase the Magnesium content levels in the nascent potatoes.

Lily is re-reading a classic book on seed-saving titled: Seed To Seed. She has saved seeds in the past from Marigolds, Zucchini, Winter Squashes, peppers, tomatoes, corn, beans, pumpkins, and lettuces. However, this year she will be the first time she is going to try to save seeds from carrots, onions and broccoli. We missed harvesting some carrots and onions last fall. They survived their overwintering in the garden and began growing again this spring (We actually harvested a few of them this spring and are currently eating them. Aside from their outer skins, being bit mushy, the insides are perfectly fine for eating). We decided to leave them in their spots in the garden and just till around them. They are about to flower. We’ll let them continue their life cycle and will harvest the seeds this coming fall.

In the Greenhouse

Lily decided to push the growing season envelope (once again), and planted more butternut squash seeds in large pots. She also planted more broccoli and Oregano. She did harvest our first three Broccoli Flowerets which were planted at the end of April in the greenhouse. They were very tasty.

She transplanted green peppers into the beds, and also into a large pot.

The Zucchini squash are flowering.

In the Kitchen

This week Lily went through two cupboards which hold our baking and spice ingredients. She washed the cupboards, discarded old, expired ingredients and containers, consolidated the few multiple containers of certain spices, made a list of spices to buy and to grow, and generally made everything more visible and accessible. This is a job that she tends to do about twice a year.

Outdoor Activities

At the beginning of the week, we went and checked out the local lake temperatures, and found them to still be on the cool side for some of our liking. However, Youngest Child, who is an intrepid swimmer, took the dive and swam for about fifteen minutes. What a brave and hardy child!

Plans for the Coming Week

We’re camping this weekend with some very good friends somewhere in the great National Forest in our home region. Lord willing, we’ll be doing all the usual camping activities of cooking over the fire, tenting, swimming, boating, fishing, hiking.

We’ll be celebrating our Nations Independence Day, The Fourth of July, by attending a local town’s parade in the morning and in the afternoon traveling to a friend’s home to spend the afternoon and evening celebrating with their family.

The rest of the week, we’ll be back in the garden and doing the usual ranch activities.

We do need to wage war around the ranch on the thistles, Knapweed, and daisies.

The Orchard still needs to be weed-whacked, and the Chicken coop needs cleaning. (Priorities!)

We still need to wrap up our firewood cutting and hauling. That will probably take another five weeks, as time permits.

We still need to develop and prepare another future garden bed in another area of the ranch.

Please tell your children this week why we’re celebrating the Fourth of July, our Nation’s Independence Day.  Read to them the Declaration of Independence, out loud to them, and discuss the points made therein with them. We suggest that you have your children memorize it.

We pray that you’ll all have a blessed and safe Independence Day Celebration and a productive week in prepping. Please let us know what you have done this week and what you plan to do during this coming week.  – Avalanche Lily Rawles



While it is still plenty warm at the Latimer Homestead, we are grateful it is not as hot as it was two weeks ago. We are still focused on the garden and animals primarily and have a few other projects going on as well.

In the garden, we continue to work to manage weeds and pests. The NOLO grasshopper bait was scattered outside the perimeter of the gardens to capture the grasshoppers and organic sprays have been used to greatly diminish the squash bugs and other beetles targeting our cucurbita plants. We also sprinkled Plantskydd small animal deterrent (that includes fox urine pellets) outside the perimeter and it seems to be keeping the rabbits and small critters at bay so far.

We began transplanting and repositioning some tomato plants as we began to stake some of the tomatoes and will continue to work on this in the coming week, with dozens of tomato plants to be staked. We also have some trellis lines to run on the peas that are in need of taller support. We had some harvesting to do this week, with peas, lettuce, and radishes, and this will hopefully continue and increase throughout the summer. It looks like we should have a good bunch of zucchini ready to harvest and prepare for meals next week. It’s probably time for some fertilizing in the garden this week, too. We pulled soil up on some of the potatoes and onions, but we have more potatoes and onions needing this same treatment in the week ahead.

Security/Video Surveillance and Shop Organization.

Hugh will continue to work on security cameras and shop organization.

Home Maintenance.

This week we did some plumbing work and various home repairs. There are several other projects in the works also.


  1. Greetings from the great Midwestern redoubt! I had shoulder surgery for a torn labrium 2 weeks ago. I should have taken care of this a decade or two ago, but there are always other priorities. It’s going to be another 6 weeks before I’ll be “normal” again. About 4 weeks before my surgery my back went out and threw my schedule way off. I couldn’t sit down or get up from a chair with out the help of a cane, very frustrating when I had so much to do. I managed to get the garden in, it’s large and feeds us well enough we’re self sufficient for vegetables.
    It may be easier to list the things I didn’t get done: no fence posts for the grape arbor, hopefully I can get at that late in August. Didn’t get all the firewood cut/split/stacked that I wanted too. I have at least three years worth ready to go but I like to stay ahead so now I have a pile of logs to look at all summer. Didn’t get siding on the east side of the house, hopefully in the fall now. Didn’t get my rabbit cages the way I wanted them. Again, another fall project. I have two AR 15’s I would have liked to have worked with but I can’t even hold a long gun at the moment. Well, you all get the idea, just when you think you’re getting ahead something like this surgery pops up and knocks your plans all apart. BTW, I get the same surgery to the other shoulder in November, I hope it doesn’t snow much this winter!

  2. I my big prep win this past week was turning some cash into silver and gold. While I like to save up cash I also like to move some of it into silver and gold. I also like to turn some of it into guns and ammo too. I did do some actual ditch digging this past Wednesday. I had someone grade one of my dirt roads and in a couple of places the ditches filled with silt and the water started running across the road making ruts. I bought two 25′ erosion waddles (You’ll have to search them) and lined the road sides in key places. I then seeded the 250 yards of road in fescue grass seed. It has rained every day since then. Hopefully the seed will sprout and has not washed away. These storms coming off the Gulf are a little stronger than the one’s Cindy produced.

  3. Greetings all, hope all is well! The wife is transplanting pumpkins in the backyard while my job is to construct a 2′ welded wire fence around it to keep the rabbits out. Continuing construction on our backyard shed, still going through old Y2K storage food, grinding, mixing and feeding what isn’t good to the chickens and goats. Some life changing decisions may be coming our way soon, prayers please. I have discussed the topic of relocating to the Redoubt with the wife (after explaining what it was), that time may be close, yet there are some loose ends that need to be tied. Happy Fourth everyone! Please be safe! God bless!

  4. Oh how my patience are being tried.. We must stay in town this week and next for work and to finish up chores before heading to our beloved north Idaho retreat.. we picked mounds of strawberries this morning in our garden.. reworked the shed doors to close a little easier, and restacked some of the firewood that wasn’t quite stack able without some cutting.

    In idaho, I have a new toilet to install at the Idaho property,( whoever thought of a round toilet, under the comfort sweet spot of 16.5 inches should be fined and jailed!) and some 4×4 posts to sink for a new metal shed. Its going to be a busy next couple of weeks

  5. I’m really enjoying this section as well as the comments. We live south of the Redoubt at altitude and are still recovering our property after a complete loss from wildfire. My husband is still cutting dead wood and has about an acre to go – whew. We will be set for firewood for quite a while! We are battling grasshoppers with more meadow than woods. I got NOLO after seeing it recommended here (thank you) so we will see. We have 21 raised beds and a greenhouse. I got a little carried away when we rebuilt the garden! I didn’t get as good a spring start as I would have liked due to weather this year but things made it through a late hard freeze in mid-May. Things are growing nicely and I am busy with weeding, thinning and mulching. I ate the first strawberries of the season – right there as I stood in the garden. I will share the next round with the fam! we enjoyed our first asparagus crop after patiently waiting 3 years – oh my! This week I will do some succession planting. If it would rain, we will get at the noxious weeds that have popped up everywhere. We have learned through our experience that God is good all the time and provides graciously for our needs. Blessings to all!

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