Notes from HJL:

Michael Z. Williamson (Survivalblog’s Editor-at-Large) is a science fiction and adventure fiction author with fifteen books in print. His first novel, “Freehold,” first released in 2004, is being re-released in a signed, hardcover edition. This is a one-time run, and there will only be about 1,000 of them printed. If you are interested, please order today to both ensure your copy and boost the Amazon sales rank. Parents should note the book contains violence, adult language, and situations. Please keep this in mind if ordering or sharing with young readers. o o o Today we present another entry for Round …

The Five Stages of Survival Grief, by Dr. Bob

(In writing this submission after quite a long hiatus, I am hoping to bring awareness to the issue and help people be better prepared. After having to go through this cycle of grief myself in regards to the State and their overreach in professional licensing and control of physicians, I have reached acceptance and have emerged willing to try once again to help others. Acceptance of the fact that ANY one of us can be hauled off by the State now for “infractions” is a tough thing, but as Doc’s wife says often: “It is only through faith in God …

Economics and Investing:

Anatomy of a failure: Tulving Post Mortem – J.E. Too Big To Fail Is Now Bigger Than Ever – D.B. Items from The Economatrix: Financial War Will Lead To Real War: Visa Bans, Asset Freezes Are Next: Europe Announces Three Step Sanctions Against Russia Ukraine-Desperation To Save The U.S. Dollar-Dr. Jim Willie 20 Facts About The Great U.S. Retail Apocalypse That Will Blow Your Mind: As You Read This Article, Approximately A Billion Square Feet Of Retail Space Is Sitting Vacant In The United States. The Potential For U.S. Economic Growth May Be Just 2%, Morgan Stanley Economists Say Quarterly …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Big guns: Army soldiers to get powerful new Swedish-made tank-stopper o o o G.P. – Shatter a Car Window with a Sparkplug in an Emergency HJL Adds: Although this works, who wants to carry around small pieces of sharp ceramic in your pocket? As an EMT, this was one of the first extraction tricks we were taught. You really don’t want broken glass flying everywhere when you break the window, especially if your patient has open wounds that you need to deal with or has their face close to the window. You can simply take a folded pocket knife (or …