Notes from HJL:

Today, Safecastle (A SurvivalBlog advertiser) is starting their first Mountain House Sale of the year. This sale will only run until the 15th, so visit their site soon! o o o Mike Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large) sent in a link to an interesting book I am currently listening to: Army Life in a Black Regiment. It’s about some of the adventures of the First South Carolina Volunteers, the first slave regiment mustered into the service of the United States during the late civil war. It makes for more interesting commuting. o o o Today, we present two guest articles …

Guest Article: Staying Mobile in a Collapse Situation, by M.C.

Staying Mobile in a Collapse Situation by Matt Conner I have seen countless disaster movies set 30+ years after the collapse of society where, somehow, people still have gasoline and diesel fuel to run their vehicles. I am a professional diesel mechanic, operating two vehicles retrofitted from their original gasoline engines to run on older mechanical diesel engines. I feel I could stay mobile longer because I would not be dependent on service stations to provide me fuel, and I could make my own. I would like to share my methods here with fellow like-minded readers. The concept I will …

Guest Article: Pemmican, by D.D.

Food seems to be a most popular subject for Prepper’s and Survivalist’s, and why shouldn’t it be? We all live to eat and eat to live. In an effort to expand my knowledge of shelf-stable food, I started thinking about the way indigenous peoples in different areas of the world survive, or survived, without refrigeration, dehydrators, or freezers. What I found was very interesting and helpful in my shoring up of shelf-stable foods for my family’s security in a SHTF situation. There is one thing, more than the rest, that I really have enjoyed researching and implementing. Of all the …

Pat’s Product Review: Maxxeon Hunter’s Floodlight

Some months ago, I tested and reviewed the portable WorkStar 2000 floodlight from Maxxeon for SurvivalBlog readers, and it was a huge hit. I heard from a number of readers about how pleased they were with the product. Today, we’re looking at the new and improved Hunter’s floodlight from Maxxeon. Some SurvivalBlog readers have requested that I list the country of origin– where the products are manufactured– in all of my articles. Maxxeon products are made in China. Like it or not, we now live in a global economy, and in order for many companies to compete or even …

Pat’s Product Review – Benchamde’s Rift, Automatic Folder

Today, we’re looking at the Rift, automatic folder from Benchmade knives. The Rift is proudly made in the United States of America and is from the black box line– a working line of knives for professionals. I remember when I first started writing about knives. I was a freelance field editor for Knives Illustrated magazine. I contacted Les d’Asis at Benchmade and requested a sample to do an article on. This was more than 22 years ago, and Benchmade has continued to keep me supplied with samples for articles. Benchmade knives are always in demand. A good number of our …

Recipe of the Week: Posole, by SRG

7 chicken breasts, diced into bite-sized pieces 1 whole garlic, cloves separated & crushed 1 teaspoon oregano, crushed 4 teaspoon cumin, ground 1 teaspoon sage, crushed 2 onions, either sweet and/or purple, finely chopped (Remember, purple onions are stronger flavored.) 2 bell peppers, finely chopped (For added color, use bell peppers of different colors.) 2 bunches fresh cilantro, VERY well washed and finely chopped 6 large cans posole or hominy, drained & washed 2 small cans niblet corn, drained & washed 1 jar chunky salsa, mild or medium (Old El Paso brand is a good choice.) 2 large cans (1 …

Letter: Staying Put in a Chicago Apartment?

Hello, I love the website but having difficulties. I live in an urban environment, in a good town but near a rough section of Chicago…which causes crime to seep into our borders (theft a huge problem). I live in an apartment, with limited storage space….limited space in general. So much seems geared to those who live in a bit more suburban or rural communities. I want to be prepared but overwhelmed is an understatement, as well as feeling stymied by many factors outside of my control, i.e. space and lack of land. I have looked through the archives, perhaps not …

Economics and Investing:

More on the Penny and Nickle: Penny and Nickel Mentioned in Obama’s 2015 Budget Items from The Economatrix: ADP: Mediocre Job Growth Continues We’re Going to be Hit with a Tsunami of Inflation-Peter Schiff Never leave home generation: Household formation goes negative year-over-year at steepest rate since recession ended in 2009. February Payrolls 175K, Beat Expectations Of 149K, Unemployment Rate Rises To 6.7%

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: For those that love the Mosin rifle: The winter war 1939 – F.S. o o o Every where you turn, somebody wants to know what you’re doing. The NSA, Corporations and now:Warrantless Spying Is Becoming The Status Quo At Local Police Department o o o In a sad statement on the current morals of people: Redwood park closes road to deter burl poachers o o o Prepping is big business and CWalton on has posted an article that shows an excellent example of how you should do your homework before participating or purchasing from any company dealing with …