Notes from JWR:

Today is the birthday of firearms engineer Theodor Koch (born 1905, died 1976.) Koch, along with Edmund Heckler and Alex Seidel salvaged tooling from the bombed-out Mauser factory at Oberndorf, and with it founded Heckler und Koch. OBTW, Koch is not spoken: “Kock.” Rather, it is correctly rendered in a deep register: “Cohke-hh”.) — Reader H.C. kindly wrote to remind me to mention this: Most folks have probably heard that Google Reader is scheduled to go off into the sunset on July 1st, 2013. So if you use it to access any RSS feeds (including ours), then get yourself set …

Voodoo in the 21st Century: Evil Guns and Other Absurd Notions

A recurring theme in western journalism, academia, and collectivist politics is the quaint notion that firearms are intrinsically evil. That is, that they have a will of their own, that somehow inspires their owners to murder and mayhem. I liken this nonsensical belief to voodoo. The “guns are evil” viewpoint was encapsulated by social psychologist Leonard Berkowitz when he wrote: “Guns not only permit violence, they can stimulate it as well. The finger pulls the trigger, but the trigger may also be pulling the finger.” I am astounded that something like that can be earnestly said or written in modern …

On Diabetes, and Thinking Outside the Box, by Dr. Cynthia J. Koelker

A thoughtful EMT wrote me to ask: Dr. Koelker: What effect could you have on blood sugar for a diabetic (type 1) through blood transfusions? I am a paramedic, and our field treatment for high blood sugar is IV fluids until the hospital can give them insulin to lower the blood sugar. In a SHTF scenario, there is no hospital. The thought process got me thinking though….My questions are these: 1) What, if any effect could you have on lowering blood sugar through transfusions? i.e., basically finding a non-diabetic donor match, and swapping a couple pints of blood…the non-diabetic can …

R.J.’s Book Review: At Home In Dogwood Mudhole, Volume One: Nothing That Eats

At Home In Dogwood Mudhole, Volume One: Nothing That Eats By Franklin Sanders Copyright: 2012 ISBN 978-1-938817-06-9 Although there is a long standing link at JWR’s Investing page to his Moneychanger web site, not every SurvivalBlog reader may know of Franklin Sanders. His stories will either have an air of familiarity or yearning to follow in his footsteps. Christian, father of seven, farmer, historian, husband, outlaw, and reenactor are all facets to this interesting man.   This is first of three planned books. It solidly weighs in with a hefty 379 pages. There’s something nice about picking up a paperback …

Pat’s Product Review: H&K Knives Entourage

For the life of me, ever since I was a little boy, who regularly carried some kind of folding knife, could I understand how a “switchblade” knife (read: automatic opening knife) is any more dangerous than any other knife. Somehow, I think we have Hollywood to thank for this nonsense going back many, many years, where they portrayed gang members using a switchblade to intimidate or kill someone. How on earth one can justify how a folding knife opens, to how lethal it is, is beyond my comprehension. I’ve said this many times in the past in my knife articles, …

Letter Re: Post-TEOTWAWKI Welding

James Wesley; I’m worried about keeping farm machinery operating, in a long-term TEOTWAWKI whammy. Some of my equipment is horse-drawn and a full century old. God forbid we go through a multi-generational scenario like you’ve talked about. How will we repair broken metal, or cast metal, or join metal (‘cept drilling and nuts and bolts)? Obviously arc welding is out, unless someone has a huge solar battery bank, and I’m not at that Pay Grade. (I live almost paycheck to paycheck, other than a seasonal bump when I sell hay each year.) And gas welding will be non-functional once the …

Letter Re: Selecting a Prepper’s Firearms

Jim: I’m writing in response to: Selecting a Prepper’s Firearms, by Frog. First I can say that I like the idea of adding a Bushnell red dot to a few of my ‘tools’ – I wanted to add one with out getting stuff that would fail, and have been unwilling to buy anything overly expensive due to today’s crazy market with it’s inflated prices.  Red dot scope for say a 10-22 with a folding stock would be perfect match. (and it’s around $100) – totally good call. I only see a few issues with selection of firearms like the glock …

Letter Re: Sewing to Repurpose Items for SHTF

Dear Editor: I used to be much more of a seamstress than I am now, but I’m getting back into it as I can’t find clothes I like (modern women’s pants all want to fall off my butt) and I am sewing my own gear to save money.  This article will focus on repurposing fabric items that are worn out or that you don’t want anymore, into other fabric items that are more useful for a SHTF situation. Don’t throw out old clothes, even if they’re stained or otherwise unwearable.  Even clean old underwear can be repurposed into rags or …

Recipe of the Week:

S.A.’s Canned Chicken Recipe A well-tested recipe adapted from another Air Force wife at England AFB, Louisiana, a base now long-closed. Even picky eaters like this one. If things do ever go as predicted, knowing how up use your stores efficiently and effectively will be important. The current way of eating with a separate large meat serving, servings of vegetables piled on a plate might become a memory. Cooks will revert to traditional peasant and poor people foods that stretch ingredients, such as soups and casseroles. (Don’t worry, in my home we are never without homemade soups, a pot of …

Economics and Investing:

The latest talk on Wall Street is that the Federal Reserve, in coordination with the U.S. Treasury plans to “taper off” from their Quantitative Easing MBS derivatives purchases. But this chart tells the real story.: St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base (AMBNS) Chart. Do you want the truth? The Fed is about as likely to successfully “taper off” of QE about as well as your local junkie is to “taper off” of crack cocaine. David Roche: Another Crisis Coming, Worse Than the Last. (Thanks to M.E.W. for the link.) B.B. sent this predictable news: Square Drops All Firearm and Ammunition Retailers. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Somehow I missed this well-written review article when it was first posted by Commander Zero, three years ago: Review – Allied Armament X-91 drum magazine. By the way, I don’t consider HK drum magazines a cost-efficient use of your funds. Why? Because presently, for the price of just one of these 50-round drums, you can buy more than 200 of the ubiquitous 20 round alloy magazines. There is great utility in redundancy.    o o o F.G. mentioned a great piece in Backwoods Home: Keeping food cold: solutions to refrigeration when electricity is scarce    o o o Wednesday is …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"The march of Providence is so slow and our desires so impatient; the work of progress so immense and our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity is so long, that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope." – General Robert E. Lee

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 46 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course. (A $1,195 value.) B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 …

Health, Self-Improvement and Self-Mastery: Survive to Thrive, by A.P.S.

   This article intends to uncover mechanisms to assist the reader in self-help, self-mastery, and self- improvement.  The topics covered are meant to provide discovery of self- improvement ideas, identification of some techniques to improve your life, and give the reader further tools to pursue a deeper dive into the subject.  The reader will come out of this article with an awareness of the many topics to improve their thoughts, feelings, emotions, physiology, and performance.  The article pulls from sports medicine, psychology, martial arts, health and fitness, and self-help guides.  To really master some of these topics, it is highly …

Three Letters Re: Motorcycles as Bugout Vehicles

Jim: I’m sure this subject has been well covered before, but I will interject my thoughts. I ride a lightweight dual sport motorcycle in Colorado and personally believe it is an excellent tool for everyday use, and even more so in rough circumstances.  If we look around the world at less developed countries and areas without much infrastructure the use of motorcycles and scooters is very prevalent. This is due in part to the relatively low initial purchase cost compared to conventional cars, fuel efficiency, ease of maintenance, and flexibility of use. I also often look to my experiences in Afghanistan …