Two Letters Re: New England Gardening, by George H.

JWR: Just a couple of ideas/notes on gardening, inspired by the recent article on New England Gardening: Land that was previously “Forested” and cleared is usually poor soil initially for vegetable gardening, even when adding compost and manure.  Forested land is fertile when many years of plant residue build up naturally, and then fertile for more trees and brush only usually, but lacking in desired nutrients for vegetable crops. Without the natural “compost” layer the trees provide the soil will become barren quickly from erosion etc. Essential nutrients/minerals to provide a balanced diet for both the vegetable plants one wants …

Economics and Investing:

I highly recommend this interview: Chris Duane on Coast to Coast AM. Thankfully, the recording is minus the lengthy commercial breaks. Duane (of Silver Bullet & Silver Shield) says that the collapse of the U.S. Dollar is a “100% mathematical certainty.” Duane also points out the risk posed by the 27 million Americans on prescribed antidepressants. He predicts that there will widespread psychotic breaks if there is a disruption of pharmaceutical supplies. Despite this gent’s odd demeanor, his words ring true: No independence. (Thanks to K.H. for the link.) Sue C. sent this: Brent higher, U.S. crude pares losses after …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Another Sustainable Preparedness Expo will be held on September 30, 2012 in Spokane, Washington.    o o o Reader RBS forwarded this: Footage shows African ‘ghost town’. JWR’s Comment: I can almost hear the echoes of some CPC politburo member’s whim: “I think blue might look nice.”    o o o It is not over yet: In West Virginia, mass feedings planned in wake of storms, heat wave. (Thanks to “CoffeeMatt ” for the link.)    o o o Long-time SurvivalBlog content contributor AmEx (American Expat) send a link to a popular video of an imperiled ice climber being rescued. …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The Obamacare decision has revealed the Supreme Court for the fraud it is. They bound and gagged the Constitution long ago, embezzled its authority and now speak for it rather than from it. It’s a Medieval priesthood overawing the citizenry with imagined infallibility, but at ground level these cocktail-circuit Big Thinkers enable and shield DC’s most conspicuous assaults on the rightful liberty of the people. The deciding vote was cast by Chief Justice Roberts, a Bush appointee whose confirmation Obama opposed, which shows DC as it really is, an evil carnival of political chameleons imposing their dark fantasies on the …

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 41 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for any …

New England Gardening, by George H.

If you are not gardening now, those long term seeds you are saving is giving you a false sense of hope. We bought two acres on what was years ago farmland, sounds like it should be easy to return to farmland, Right? I discovered later what was raised on our property was the only thing which made sense after experience – Goats. Gardening in New England presents many challenges and unless you are prepared and have experience dealing with them you are out of luck. Even if you have gardening experience in the past, if you have moved you will …

Letter Re: Lessons From The Derecho Storms

Mr. Rawles: Today is Wednesday, July 4, 2012.  I am writing from a small town in central West Virginia and I would like to share some thoughts, observations, and lessons from the recent Derecho windstorm experienced by the mid-west and east of our great country.  As I sit here, we are in day six of total power outage caused by a freak storm that came with little or no warning.  Power may not be on for another four days.   I have been a long time reader of your blog and have lots of lists and plans but sadly my …

Six Letters Re: Cordless DC Power Tool Selection

Hi James, I too have chosen DeWalt, but went out of my way recently to purchase a 12 volt cordless drill.  My reason being that the rechargeable batteries will eventually degrade.  18 volts is hard to come by without stacking small cells together in series.  But 12 volt batteries are ubiquitous in all kinds of shapes, sizes and capacities, and can be pressed into service easily with a few feet of wire. – Ray K. Dear James. I just want you to know that we appreciate what you do ,the information you provide is priceless,and don`t start my day without …

Economics and Investing:

Jim W. sent this from Chris Pulplava: Massive Japanese Debt Monetization Is Coming, Yen to be Devalued G.G. flagged this: Financial ‘Armageddon’ Will Happen Despite EU Deal: Rogers Also from G.G.: There Has Been A Stunning Collapse In Vending Machine Revenue K.P. sent this: 77% of JP Morgan’s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies Heatwave threatens US grain harvest. (Thanks to K.A.F. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Euro Compromises Likely To Unravel Manufacturing In U.S. Unexpectedly Contracted In June Hiding Inflation Results In Perma-Recession, The Next Great Keynesian Failure Here Are The New Taxes You Are Going To …

Odds ‘n Sods:

James K. sent this report from McNewspaper: For those without power, patience wears thin, tempers flare    o o o SurvivalBlog Editor At Large Michael Z. Williamson sent this: Nevada Highway Patrol troopers sue over bogus K-9 program. Mike’s summary: “Dogs trained to react to cues, not drugs, to enable seizure of assets, officers claim.”    o o o Preparedness-minded folks in Holland might be interested in this site:    o o o Overstocked! FreezeDryGuy has cases of Mexican Rice and Chicken Long Range Patrol (LRP) entrees on sale for a limited time. These individual freeze dried meals are …

Notes from JWR:

Today, July 4th, marks Independence Day in these United States. Pray that we hold fast to our Liberty. (That will take God and Guns.) — Today we present another entry for Round 41 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House …

Bees Like John (The Baptist), by Mike The Bee Shepherd

In a true TEOTWAWKI situation, many people will naturally resort to hunting and fishing to procure food. The increased hunting pressure will make many animals nocturnal and quickly deplete the populations of wild game. There is, however, one overlooked source of food that flies completely under the radar by even the most seasoned survivalists.  It tastes delicious, lasts forever,  replenishes itself to be harvested again and again, is a phenomenal barter item,  and can be found in every state in America.  I am talking about wild honey! The Bible says that this is the food that sustained John the Baptist …

Cordless DC Power Tool Selection

Several readers have asked me what brand of cordless power tools I use. A few years back, I settled on DeWalt brand 18 Volt DC tools here at the Rawles Ranch. This company seemed to offer a very wide selection of very sturdy and reasonably priced tools with long battery life. The only drawback is that their spare batteries are fairly expensive. (Although their batteries seem to have a much longer service life than most of those made by competitors.) Since then, I haven’t regretted the selection of DeWalt, since they keep adding tools to their line, and a they’ve …

Economics and Investing:

Stockton, California: The Bleeding Edge of a Scary Economic Trend G.G. suggested: Doug Casey on the Coming Eurocrash Also from G.G.: 8,733,461: Workers on Federal ‘Disability’ Exceed Population of New York City U.S. Factory Output Drops in May, Second Fall in Three Months From Jeff in Texas, a BBC article: Gold versus paper money: Which should we trust more? Items from The Economatrix: Oil Drops as US Manufacturing Shrinks in June Financial Collapse End Game, Operation Twist Deception, Infinite Quantitative Easing