Odds ‘n Sods:

James C. recommended this video: All about wells – The Bailer Bucket. (Well buckets are available from Ready Made Resources, Lehman’s, and many other online vendors.)    o o o Reader M.P. forwarded an article that uncovers blatant state-sponsored genocide: ‘Match Battalion’ torch village: “These men are part of the Sudanese army”. Please pray for Sudan and South Sudan. In particular, please pray that the citizenry of South Sudan get the small arms and training that they need to defend themselves from Islamist aggression from Sudan.    o o o Emily Miller: Dispelling gun myths    o o o Papa …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, …

Notes from JWR:

I just learned that Jerry Ahern passed away on Tuesday. (July 24, 2012.) He will ne remembered as a novelist, firearms expert, holster designer, and a former CEO of Detonics. He was a prolific writer, best known for his 29-volume series The Survivalist. A memorial service will be held in Jefferson, Georgia on a date yet to be determined. Once again, cancer has robbed us all. He will be greatly missed. Our sincere condolences to his widow, Sharon. Condolence notes can be left online. (Scroll down to the Jerry Ahern link.) — Today we present another two entries for Round …

Back to Prepping, by J.D.F.

We are never completely prepared, we either are unprepared, or prepared to some degree. So I want to review the past year and see what or how far I’ve come. For those new to the game, they can find it a bit overwhelming, and do little to nothing to prepare. Then there are those that are part time preppers and those that are full time preppers. I fall into the former, but a meeting with some friends 8 months ago re-ignited the drive it takes to prepare. So my one-year odyssey in review. First order of business is get your …

Encouragement for the Prepping Wives of Non-Prepping Husbands, by Sharon in the Midwest

I’m writing this article to encourage you, if you’re in a similar situation as I am.  I may be writing it also, to encourage myself.  I want to say that it is possible to prepare for emergencies to some extent, even if you aren’t exactly doing it as a team.  I will share some of my story in order to give you some ideas. I am a happily-married woman living with a wonderful husband and my four children in a Midwestern state, in a town of less than 5000.  I have been increasingly concerned about an economic collapse, and have …

Two Letters Re: Living with Photovoltaic Power

Good Day James, I have been a daily reader of your blog for who knows how long and enjoy it everyday. I am not an electrician, but I did check with a good friend who has his PhD in electrical engineering. Should him this paraphrase of D.P.’s post regarding System building note and he said: “Bull.” Per the National Electrical code Article 250 on grounding, “You’d- Better ground your system” if something happens to him or his house regardless of how he is powering it (solar, grid tie in, wind, et cetera) if a  fire or electrocution happens to him …

Economics and Investing:

Reader J.D.F. sent this news of 3 million lost jobs: Economy lost more than 200,000 small businesses in recession, Census shows H.L. sent this: The US Garbage Indicator Is Sending An Ominous Sign For The Economy Transparency: Paying the Same Amount for Smaller Products. (Thanks to Joe K. for the link.) Ian R. forwarded this link: Economists issue euro crisis blueprint, warn disaster looms Items from The Economatrix: New Home Sales Tumble, But Trend Intact 12 Signs That Spain Is Shifting Gears from Recession to Depression Charting the High-Beta Horror of Hedge Funds Worldwide Debt Default Is The Only Solution

Odds ‘n Sods:

Solar Storms: What’s the Risk for Companies? Amazon’s loss of power last month was minimal compared with what could happen if the U.S. grid is severely hit by solar storms. What can companies do to prepare?    o o o Reader Scott S. suggested a humorous bit of Airsoft Mall Ninjiosity    o o o Chris M. mentioned a new pawn in the game. Power Pwn: This DARPA-funded power strip will hack your network    o o o Kevin S. was the first of several readers to mention this: New computer modeling technique shows how airports are key in spreading …

Notes from JWR:

Today is the 68th anniversary of the end of the battle on the Vercors Plateau, and the sad end of the short-lived Republic of Vercors. (July, 1944.) No fewer than 600 Maquisards were killed there by the Germans and by their Milice lackeys. Much like at the Battle of Glières a few months earlier, the Vercors Plateau was well-defended by the Maquis. At Vercors, rooting out the resistance defenders required the use of some seasoned paratroops, inserted by glider. It is noteworthy that a surprisingly small percentage of the French population (about 2%) was actively in the resistance. (That figure …

How to Make an Old-Fashioned Utility Quilt, by Jean P.

Quilters tend to be perfectionists.  However, quilts have been used to keep our poorly-furred bodies warm for centuries.  When you just need warmth, and not a perfectly crafted heirloom, a quilt is just the ticket.  Utility quilts can be made from discarded items around the home, as long as you have a needle and some thread.  A quilt is merely 3 layers, fabric/insulation/fabric, stitched together to keep you warmer.  In a perfect world we all have our Wiggy’s, but in a real-life situation, especially with the economy these days, that perfect scenario may just not be possible.  Also, remember that …

Practical Pointers to Ponder for Pistol Performance, by Ski

“You’ve got to work on that draw Ski,” barked my friend Tom.  He was already an experienced shooter and competitor in IPSC and KPDL (Kentuckiana Personal Defense League).  There are benefits to competing in IPSC events including emphasis on safety, accuracy, speed, and identification of “good guys” versus the bad guys.  It had to be painful for him to watch a “newbie” in shooting struggle along.  He was patient and persistent.  We became shooting buddies competing against each other in these organizations.  Tom is not only a natural shooter, but he works on each phase of competition and is ever …

Letter Re: Getting The Most Out of Ethnic Markets

JWR, I just thought I’d pass the word on some shopping options people might not think about too often. My wife is originally from Vietnam and we often go to an asian market for food supplies. I assume the following is true for other non-western stores, but you might want to check out what is within driving distance. These places are a preppers oasis. There are a few major advantages to shop at these stores. Please note I am talking about small stores, not a place like the asian mega-marts in California. First is money. Not just that they are …

Economics and Investing:

Debt crisis: Greece to run out of money by August 20. (Thanks to J.B.G. for the link.) Doug C. recommended this: Failing to Break Up the Big Banks is Destroying America Santelli Rants: “Ditch The Duct Tape; The Problem Is Insolvency”. He says in summary: “We need pro-growth policies and spending cuts, right now.” (Thanks to B.B. for the link.) Economy: The U.S. Retail Collapse Accelerates Items from The Economatrix: The War On Silver Everything You Need To Know:  The Economic Collapse For Dummies “Micro Documentary” Europe Is Sleepwalking Toward Imminent Disaster, Warn Top Economists Global Economy In Worst Shape …

Odds ‘n Sods:

H.L. liked this piece at Alt-Market: Off-Grid Refrigeration    o o o Dick Morris Reveals How Obama Will Kill The 2nd Amendment On July 27    o o o Not particularly preparedness-related, but this collaborative music video site is amazing: The Johnny Cash Project    o o o Peter S. recommended two new e-books: The Survival Doctor’s Guide to Burns and The Survival Doctor’s Guide to Wounds    o o o The United Nations will convene next week for agreement on a “Small Arms and Light Weapons” Treaty. Please contact your Senators and insist that they do not ratify the …