The Mind of the Survivor, by William C. Prentice

Introduction Taking stock recently, I realized that I am probably not as well prepared as most of the followers of James’ SurvivalBlog.Com, certainly not in terms of infrastructure and stockpiles of materials and equipment.  I don’t have a long-term supply of food, nor do I have a survival retreat prepared for when the big one hits.  My bullion holdings are embarrassingly low.  On the other hand, I am probably better prepared than most for any criminal or paramilitary attack on my person, my family, or my home, so I am not totally hopeless by the standards of most survivalists. The …

Economics and Investing:

Peter S. was the first of several readers to send this item: Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare. Peter’s comment: “If true, then this is worse than I previously thought and feared in the US.  It is going to be ugly when the U.S. Dollar collapses…” American Expatriate (“AmEx”) suggested this: Fed’s Fisher: Just Stop With the Easing Reader B.B. sent this: US Dollar already went off a fiscal cliff – what does a falling dollar mean to US families? Masking de-leveraging via debt markets. Coffematt forwarded this: Real recovery in home prices not expected until spring. JWR’s Comments: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pierre M. spotted this: Defying History: How Kim Jong Un Could Hold Onto Power for Decades    o o o Dwindling US Crops Are a Global Concern. (Thanks to H.L. for the link.)    o o o Marilyn R. sent this: Open Carry law clarified in Wichita. (Kansas has state preemption over city and county gun laws.)    o o o Nick D. sent: Is there a constitutional right to own assault rifles?    o o o For a limited time, Seed for Security is offering a bonus: A free pint of Winter Rye (approximately 13,280 seeds), and a free …

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 42 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for any …

Stockpiling and Replenishing, by CPT Blackfox

As a U.S. Army Battalion Logistics Officer, it became very evident to me that at some point my stockpile of parts, petroleum products, uniforms, etc. would eventually run out, and I needed a way to replenish those stockpiles during steady-state operations.  A total collapse situation would unfold in much the same way as a deployment of a military unit would in regard to an interrupted supply chain.  Initially, you have no logistics network and you need to rely entirely upon your stockpiles brought with you or kept in your secure location.  I learned this the hard way at the National …

Letter Re: When Will TSHTF? One Population Modeler Says 2020

Dear Mr. Rawles, Most of your readership is likely convinced that the coming decades (or years or months) will yield considerable social instability. The hard question is always what form it will take and when it is likely to happen. I found an article about ecological models that seem to describe past historical patterns with some degree of accuracy. From these models, their author is predicting another spike of instability around 2020.  From the article: “To Peter Turchin, who studies population dynamics at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, the appearance of three peaks of political instability at roughly 50-year …

Economics and Investing:

France’s new Socialist President François Hollande is calling for a 75% income tax! Indigestion for ‘les Riches’ in a Plan for Higher Taxes. If this is enacted, expect to see a wave of emigration. Items from The Economatrix: Has The Perfect Moment To Kill The Dollar Arrived? The US Economy Lost 1.2 Million Jobs In July Oil Drops From Two-Month High in New York as Demand Slides

Odds ‘n Sods:

Appropriate Firearms for the Beginner in troubled times.    o o o Yishai was the first of several readers to mention this: Pedal-powered washer could make a big difference in developing nations    o o o Reader Tom K. recommended the recently-released Second Edition of Nick Taleb’s book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. This new edition includes a new section: “On Robustness and Fragility”, that ties in nicely with many articles and letters that have been posted to SurvivalBlog.    o o o Rescuing Injured Soldiers With An Ingenious Backpack System. (Thanks to H.A. for the …

Notes from JWR:

I just noticed that my yet-to-be-released Founders: A Novel of the Coming Collapse is now ranked around #2,200 in Amazon Best Sellers. Please stop pre-ordering, folks! Please wait until the release date (September 25th)–which is also our planned Book Bomb day–to order your copy. Not only will you get yours at a better price (probably around $11), you will also help boost the book’s sales rank–hopefully into Amazon’s Top 20 titles. Thanks! — Today we remember the birthday of inventor James Paris Lee (born August 9, 1831). He was born in Scotland, but was an American citizen by the time …

Navajo Corn, by Rachael E.

When people stockpile food they like to stick to the basics; beans, rice, and pasta. The one crop I would like to include to this list is corn. The corn I will be talking about is fresh corn and not the canned corn you can buy all year round. Unlike rice and pasta, many people have the ability to grow more corn if they run out. With beans you have limited ways to prepare it. Corn on the other hand can be used in many different ways.  From one ear of corn you can collect enough seeds to grow enough …

Letter Re: Heavy Rainfall — Now Hitting The Fan in The Philippines

Dear JWR: We have been hit with massive rain and flooding here in the metropolitan Manila area. We are getting at times more than 1 inch rain per hour. We have received more rain than Typhoon Ondoy already. On August 7 we got 477mm rain in 22 hours. About half the city is flooded and roads to my area are impassable. The gas stations are out of unleaded gas and only have 97 octane racing grade remaining as of last night. I hit up the supermarket last night and it was busier than Christmas. I expect food shortages soon and …

Economics and Investing:

Five Surprising Facts About Hyperinflation Why Europe Matters… And How Spain Could Wipe Out Your 401(k) Reader Pierre M. sent this: The 11 Graphs That Allegedly Prove That the West Is Doomed The Daily Bell asks: Fed Bankrupting Consumers While Enriching Wall Street as a Matter of Policy? Items from The Economatrix: Despite Jobs Report, Street Unsure Of Fed’s Next Move The Employment Rate In The US Is Lower Than It Was In The Last Recession The US Economy By The Numbers

Odds ‘n Sods:

I’m often asked how people can discreetly find fellow preppers in their region. My long-standing advice is posted in my static page: Finding Like-Minded People in Your Area. But now I’m adding this new venue recommendation: Chris Martenson’s Resilient Life Groups Page.    o o o Dave T. sent this: New York’s Used Police Shells, Reloaded for Sale. The “I’m so offended” tone used by these Big City statist scribes is hilarious.    o o o DHS Requests Plastic Explosives Then Hides Evidence. Perhaps the DHS officials saw the references to Detasheet explosives in my novel Patriots and thought that …