Odds ‘n Sods:

Some good advice on “flyaway bag” packing from Scott Stewart of STRATFOR: Evacuations and Contingency Planning. (Thanks to Joseph L. for the link.)    o o o M.K.P. suggested: DIY Solar panels for RV or off grid    o o o A few tactical tidbits can be found here: See What A Real Marines Mission In Afghanistan Looks Like    o o o How “Crazy Survivalists” Make The World A Better Place

Notes from JWR:

I just got confirmation that I will be a guest for two hours with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, in the wee hours. My segment is scheduled for 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. Eastern time on Friday, September 7th, 2012. (That is 10 p.m. to Midnight Pacific time on Thursday, September 6th, 2012.) — Today we present another entry for Round 42 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be …

Prepping with Fangs: Dogs for a Survivalist, by Dale in Northeastern Tennessee

They can move faster than any man, their loyalty suggests an inborn canine bushido, their senses seem to border on the supernatural, and their situational awareness chart does not include condition white.  They are the creatures you want to sleep at your bedside, walk beside you, and watch your children.  While the choices available for study cover a broad range for the serious survivalist; and the options for raising animals include many worthwhile creatures, consider the canine as an early pick.  Long before we finished moving to our retreat I was already plotting the pros and cons of various parts …

Letter Re: Gun Shopping for Self-Defense

Hello I just wanted to respond to the article by Chief B., and take the process of choosing a handgun a little farther. I’ve been shooting pistols for at least 30 years and teaching approximately for 15 years. I teach from the philosophy that training/practice beats Everything; it beats the caliber size argument, number of rounds etc… There are several things I have learned over the years. If a person (particularly ladies) doesn’t like the feel of a pistol they will not shoot it enough to become proficient. Over the past four years I have found that ladies are doing …

Economics and Investing:

Some of the Really Bad Things That Could Happen if You Do Not Prepare tor the Coming Economic Collapse. (Thanks to Lee M. for the link.) Reader H.L. suggested this piece over at Zero Hedge: In Greece, It’s The Police Vs The Riot Police Mark I. sent: The 29 Ugliest Charts In The World The printing press is running hot, but where is inflation and how will it affect gold? Items from The Economatrix: Bernanke Says Fed Ready to Act But Short on Specifics “The Economy Stole My Retirement” Oil Has Peaked But No Relief at Pump Likely Soon

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the trailer, this one looks even more prescient: Atlas Shrugged Part II. It will be released on October 12, 2012.    o o o Mike M. mentioned that there are some useful links at this Patriot Post page: Disaster Preparedness Resources & Guides    o o o F.G. sent a link to an amazing short video of an African lion hunt. The final sequence shows the importance of shot placement. Now that was a close call.    o o o Speaking of Africa, here is the latest news from Mugabestan: War vets reject draft constitution.    o o o …

Notes from JWR:

This is the birthday of Lieutenant General Claire Lee Chennault (born September 6, 1893.) Some of us have not forgotten the bravery and sacrifices of the AVG‘s pilots and ground crew. — Today we present another entry for Round 42 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, …

Gun Shopping for Self-Defense, by Chief B.

I have read article after article on gun reviews, the best pistol to buy, how to fire one, etc.  However, what about those who don’t even know where to start on what type of gun they need? I will give a brief synopsis on where to begin when buying guns for self-defense. First, we need to look at what exactly you will be defending yourself against.  For self-defense away from home, there is no better protection than a pistol. But before you go and buy yourself a sidearm and pack it inside your waistband, be sure you know the legalities …

Letter Re: State Government Debt Levels

James: Reader “X.” wrote an article Re: State Government Debt Levels, in which the author makes the case that the US income to debt ratio is approximately 1:1. I think the author mixed facts to come up with a mathematical equality where none exists.  I repeat in totality the paragraph where this is stated: “The trepidation most of us feel when thinking of the current level of debt (not to be confused with deficit) is likely well-founded.  Individuals tend to think of things in relation to themselves; in other words, I earn $56,000 yearly, and I owe $212,000 on my …

Economics and Investing:

Peter Schiff: The real fiscal cliff. Bloomberg reports from Japan: The End of a 1,400-Year-Old Business. (Thanks to R.N. and G.G. for the link.) B.B. sent: $16,015,769,788,215.80 – $5.4 trillion added under Obama. JWR’s Comment: Don’t just blame Obama. It is Congress that holds the purse strings! Also from B.B.: Supermarkets being looted in Spain Items from The Economatrix: S&P 500 Trims Loss Amid Speculation Europe to Take Steps Manufacturing in US Shrank in August for Third Month Investors Assets to be Stolen in the Coming Collapse China Launching Gold-backed Worldwide Currency

Odds ‘n Sods:

One last reminder: I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at CharlottePrepCon, on September 8th.    o o o A follow-up with some good news from England: No charges to be brought against farm couple who bravely fought off burglary gang    o o o Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s trial on additional corruption charges is scheduled to begin today with the second round of jury selection, under a 38-charge indictment. Please pray for responsible and ethical government at all levels in our nation, and that those who have been corrupt would be brought to justice and repent. OBTW, …

Notes from JWR:

It was my pleasure to write the foreword to the new book Suburban Survival: Preparing for Socio-Economic Collapse by “Joe Snuffy” (the pen name of a SurvivalBlog writer.) I highly recommend the book. — Today we present another entry for Round 42 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally …