Letter Re: RVs and Camping Trailers Provide Multiple Backups on a Budget

JWR; I am surprised that more people are not considering recreational vehicle (RVs), specifically Travel Trailers and Fifth Wheel Trailers, as important prepping tools  They can provide many advantages, backups, and a natural training environment for TEOTWAWKI.  Here are a few more: Add a military surplus M1950 stove with a few parts from the hardware store to safely run the chimney through the standard RV ceiling vent [and insure proper ventilation] and you could live in an RV all winter.  We keep these parts tucked away in our at all times. Add a 12 volt powered water purification system and …

Economics and Investing:

Egon von Greyerz discusses the current economic situation and the possibility of a new Swiss-minted gold coin as a parallel currency. And here is a related essay by von Greterz, with a chart: Disregard current manipulation of precious metals.) Pierre M. sent: Survey: 40 Percent Of Americans Have $500 Or Less In Savings Milk Seen Surging 15% on Drought-Feed Costs Before Demand Slows. (Thanks to R.B.S. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Bet Against Debt Imagine Prices At The Food Store And Gas Pumps Doubling In Days; QE Has Been Devastating For American Households And Now Many Of The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

G.G. flagged this: Report: Violent crime rises sharply, reversing trend.    o o o A series of news photos which illustrates that the majority Syrians have an irrational fear of having the buttstock of a rifle touch their shoulders. (Perhaps fear of being bruised?) Regardless, it does not produce good marksmanship. Learn from their mistakes.    o o o My mother sent the link to this funny news clip: Car Jacker Can’t Drive Stick Shift    o o o Ah, yes, Oklahoma: Where the men are men and their little girls are just about as tough. 12-Year-Old Girl Shoots Intruder …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; Who hath saved us, and called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: Whereunto I am appointed a …

Notes from JWR:

The Articles for Deletion debate over at Wikipedia is nearing an end. Even though the editors are admitting that the articles are on noteworthy books, they feel bound by their self-imposed rules on “reliable sources”. It seems that they’ve forgotten about one of the Five Pillars of Wikipedia, which is that “Wikpedia has no firm rules.” If you have an opinion one way or the other and are experienced with making changes at Wikipedia, then please chime in on whether or not the Wiki articles about my novels “Survivors” and “Founders” should be deleted. — Today we present another entry …

RVs and Camping Trailers Provide Multiple Backups on a Budget, by Judy C.

Thorough prepping is expensive. Many people are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to put food on the table (plus a few extra cans for the pantry). Alternative power, water, sewage, and refrigeration are back-burnered to the ever-growing “wish list.” So what’s a prepper on a shoestring budget to do? Consider a used camping trailer or recreational vehicle (RV)! You can find a used trailer for as little as $500. We paid $1,200 for a 35-foot RV. Besides weekend camping, the RV offers the following in a self-contained package: fresh water holding tank water heater flush toilet shower gas stove and …

Two Letters Re: Knob Creek After Action Report

Jim, Sorry to be late on my Knob Creek roundup I was indecisive as to the interest level in the past, as it concerns those mostly east of the Mississippi.   Arrived Friday morning and was shocked at how sparse the crowd was compared to past events. It was still a good sized crowd but I could actually get around and wasn’t standing room only. I am guessing that a couple of rain fronts that came through in the week previous dampened enthusiasm, along with the economy and people have been on an ammo buying spree for over a year, …

Economics and Investing:

Kevin S. suggested this article: Concerned Roman Hoarded Gold to Protect Against Hyperinflation at the Outer Reaches of Roman Empire The Washington Times reports: Welfare spending jumps 32% in four years. (Our thanks to B.B. and P.D. who both sent the link.) P.D.’s comment: “As you’ve written before, when the EBT cards stop working, there will be blood.” Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher recently offered a stunning assessment about our policymaking central bankers down in Washington. They’re winging it. Items from The Economatrix: Why Are Gasoline Prices Suddenly Falling? Iran Renews Cyberattacks on US Banks Moody’s Downgrades World’s Oldest …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader AmEx sent news of the know-nothing Big Government crowd at work: Bullet tax proposal in hunt for solution to Chicago gun crime. Call for a levy of nickel for each bullet and $25 for each firearm sold in the city. I predict that their tax scheme will be counterproductive. Note that the tax would apply only to the 40 FFL holders inside Chicago City limits. Who in their right mind would pay 8 cents per round for .22 rimfire ammo, when they are accustomed to paying 3 cents? Obviously, people will take their business elsewhere–namely to gun shows outside …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel. And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence. And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: That they may walk in my statutes, …

Notes from JWR:

October 19th is a birthday shared by three notables: the late Alexander Zeisal “Zus” Bielski (born 1912, died August 18, 1995), billionaire investor Jim Rogers (born 1942) and novelist James Howard Kunstler (born 1948.) Kunstler is well-known to SurvivalBlog readers as the author of the novel World Made by Hand and the nonfiction book The Long Emergency. A fictionalized portrayal of Zus Bielski is seen in the movie Defiance. This movie was loosely based on the excellent book Defiance: The Bielski Partisans by Nechama Tec. — Today we present another entry for Round 43 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. …

From the Kitchen to the Garden, by G.T.

Let’s just say I have a fair amount of time on my hands and not a whole lot of money. Add to that a curious mind with a bit of a preparedness mindset and you get someone who likes to experiment with produce and gardening. I wanted to share some of my experiences with growing plants straight out of my kitchen, often from produce bought at the grocery store that was meant to be eaten but didn’t make it to the table, or had the seeds removed first. If you’ve seen some of the propaganda out these days on our food supply, …

Letter Re: Knob Creek After Action Report, by Louie in Ohio

Dear SurvivalBloggers: This past weekend (12-14 October, 2012) was the Fall Knob Creek machinegun shoot in West Point, Kentucky. The Knob Creek (“KCR”) shoot is normally a bi-annual event, held in April and October each year. It is the World’s largest machine gun (MG) shoot and machine gun show. Although none of our group are really “into” machine guns this event was on the “bucket list” of one of our party. With the spring shoot canceled last April because of heavy rains washing a bridge out, we were determined to make this one. Web sites were checked, reservations made, bags …

Economics and Investing:

AmEx (American Expat) sent this: U.S. to Get Downgraded Amid Fiscal ‘Theater,’ Pimco Says Reader A.T. suggested this essay by Martin Armstrong: What Destroyed Rome was its Unfunded Government Employee Pensions The Daily Bell reports: Now Mexico Bans Cash. JWR’s Comment: Don’t mistake this new law as part of the so-called war on drugs or the war on terror. Rather, it is plainly a part of the war on privacy and individual liberty. Izzy Friedman: What Now For the Price of Silver?

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader C.D.V. was pondering a wound cleanser which is dry, compact and inexpensive. He decided on potassium permanganate, which in addition for use (in a very dilute solution) on wounds can also purify water, treat fungal infection, canker sores, cholera, start fire and be used as an emergency signal. Wikipedia lists even more uses. A reference page on nursing notes that 400mg (1:1,000) tablets are diluted in four liters of water to give a dilution of 1:10,000 (0.01%). Obviously, just a little bit goes a long way when put in solution as a wound cleanser.    o o o Ready …