News From The American Redoubt:

Wind production exceeds hydro in Pacific Northwest for the first time Tuesday.    o o o Reader Dave T. suggested a link to some unexpected statistics on economic equality. They show that several of the Redoubt states are among the highest scorers on an index of economic equality. Dave’s comment: “That kind of yeoman population is what our founders saw as the democratic ideal, and it’s the kind of atmosphere I would want to raise kids in if mine were still young.”    o o o Spokane High school Player Kicks 67-Yard Field Goal. (That distance, by the way, is …

Economics and Investing:

Is A Debt Jubilee The Next Big Meme? The World Is Moving Closer To A Full-Blown Currency War Just Like The Great Depression of The 1930s. Repo Man Goes to Ghana to Tow Away Argentinean Navy’s Flagship Eric G. sent: 10 nations that control the world’s gold Unless We Act, High-Frequency Trading Will Crash The Stock Markets Items from The Economatrix: Existing U.S. Home Sales Decline As Supply Drops Weekly Jobless Claims Drop Proves To Be Short-Lived Morgan Stanley Posts Loss in Q3 on Debt Valuation Adjustment

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just heard about a new company that makes an interesting hidden storage compartment that fits between standard 16 inch-spaced wall studs:     o o o Another great post over at the popular Paratus Familia blog: Reloading in the Living Room    o o o Reader R.B.S. sent: The tsunami debris washed from Japan to Oregon    o o o F.G. sent this article from an Australian newspaper: In gun-loving America, the Kalashnikov conquers    o o o Yet another Self Reliance Expo announcement. (They certainly are popular, these days!) This one will be in Mesa, Arizona, on Oct. …

Note from JWR:

Ready Made Resources has started their last sale of 2012 for Mountain House long term storage foods. They are offering 25% discounts and free shipping for Mountain House foods in #10 can. The sale will run from October 22nd to November 5th.

Medical Prepping in Three Months: A Guide to Safeguarding Your Family — Part 1 of 2, by Dr. Cynthia J. Koelker

Today I offer part 1 of a 3-month medical prepping guide for your family, group, or community. Please note the following abbreviations: ORG = organizational concerns OTC = over-the-counter products Rx = prescription products ED = education and skills The supplies listed under OTC can all be purchased without a prescription, though some are only available online.  For prescription items, assess what your group has and what each member is likely to be able to acquire.  The three-month period is divided into 13 weekly tasks, divided according to topic, making the project more readily manageable.  For more detailed information on …

Pat’s Product Review: LED Lenser Flashlights

When the power goes out, the lights go out – simple as that! Many people will then reach for a flashlight, only to find, that the batteries are dead, or dying – assuming they can even find a flashlight at night, when the power goes off. I have to admit, in my younger and dumber days, I fell victim to this many times. Living in a rural area, especially during the winter months, our power goes out several times due to trees falling over on power lines. Last time, we were without power for several days, in the winter when …

Letter Re: Concealed Carry Permits–Pros and Cons

Hi James: I’m just wondering what you and your readers think about concealed carry permits? When the SHTF, do I want to have a permit and be within the bounds of the law, but also be “registered” with the government? So far, all the weapons I have are hand-me-downs, so haven’t had to do a background check for purchasing a new weapon, but needing a new handgun, so unless I find a private sale, that may soon change. Any thoughts or advice? – Greg S. JWR Replies: My view on this topic is undoubtedly biased, since I live in a …

Recipe of the Week:

Judy N.’s Only Whole Wheat Bread Preppers are always looking for a way to use their Wheat Berries.  Here is a recipe that does not require you to grind your wheat more than once.  Step 1:  Mix together the following: 1 package Dry Yeast                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 ½ cups Warm Water                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1 Cup Warm Milk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1 Tablespoon Honey                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1 Tablespoon Brown Sugar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1 Tablespoon  Molasses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1Tablespoon butter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Allow  the yeast mixture to sit for 5 minutes Step 2: Mix in a separate bowl:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4 Cups coarsely ground wheat flour   (plus extra for Kneading) 1 …

Economics and Investing:

Keith Weiner: ‘I Don’t Think The System Can Survive, We’re On The Road Now Where The System Collapses, Everybody Will Be Killed’ Matt H. recommended this 4-minute video (auf Deutsche, but with English subtitles): A Grim But Realistic Prognosis Of What Lies Ahead For The European Union. (Dictatorship ahead?) Items from The Economatrix: Not Just Gas!  Check Out The Drastic Price Increases On 21 Everyday Items GE, McDonald’s Give Wall Street A Black Eye On ’87 Crash Date Firm Dollar, Weak Euro Crimp US Industrials’ Sales “Fiscal Cliff” May Be Bigger Than You Think

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sales have been brisk for the Rawles Gets You Ready Preparedness Course. (Available again, after being out of print for nearly three years.) It is now sold only via digital download, but priced quite affordably.    o o o G.G. flagged this: Disaster shelter offers full kitchen, flat-screen TV    o o o SGT mentioned an interesting report on Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and the U.S. Military, published by the BATFE. The report is mixture of good hard intel plus some innuendo, and a couple of implausible logical leaps. (For example, the supposed founding of the Hells Angels motorcycle club by …

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 43 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for any …

Basic Cane Fighting Self-Defense, by Michael L.

I think it is best to start with a simple disclaimer: you really can not learn any kind of hand to hand fighting skill from an article… especially one without pictures. If you really want to learn martial skills (I think “martial arts” is a terrible translation) then you need to seek out competent instruction and apply yourself to your lessons. There are a million pieces of advice on the Internet, even on this site, concerning how to pick a style or school but the simple fact is that you are limited to what is affordably offered in your area. …

Letter Re: Iowa as a Retreat Locale

James, In response to the Major regarding southwestern Iowa as a Retreat Location: While I have a fond affection for the southwestern Iowa and surrounding region, I do not feel that it is an ideal retreat location, especially during certain circumstances, such as a power grid failure due to EMP or solar flare. There is an abundance of fertile farm ground, but I’d like to point out there are also two nuclear power plants in the area located at Brownsville, Nebraska and at Fort Calhoun. Nebraska, just north of Omaha. I, for one, will be vacating the area under those …