Letter Re: Firearms and Ammo Demand Increasing in United States

JWR: Just a note about current firearms inventories at the major distributors from a 25 year industry veteran.  A majority of the medium to large size firearms wholesalers are experiencing significant stock shortages and inventories are at a “historic low”.   AR and AK inventories (regardless of manufacture or builder) are drying up very fast.  Most wholesalers are not taking back-orders from dealers on these items until the smoke clears.  Even handgun inventories are starting to get very thin, especially center-fire semi-autos.  The situation on ammo is better, but many industry retail purchasing agents coming out of this year’s SHOT Show …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. mentioned this “must read” piece: How The Country Dies Reader Debbie M. suggested the new PBS television series called America Revealed. Debbie notes that this series unintentionally underscores the complexity and fragility of our long chains of supply and our dependence on grid power. The first episode, “Food Nation“, is now available for free streaming viewing. Kevin S. suggested this: The Unemployment Farce Swiss Bank Accounts: Why Mitt Romney (or an Average Joe) Might Want One Items from The Economatrix: Unemployment Falls Fast In U.S. If Men Get College Degree Mid-Incomers Suffer In Polarized U.S. Job Market Economy Minimum …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Harry L. sent this: FDA wants farmers to get prescriptions for antibiotics used in animals. The FDA/AMA cabal will no doubt start calling the lack of prescription oversight by “loophole” (since we aren’t “trained and licensed professionals”), and hence try to institute “commonsense controls.” Does this sound familiar? I also suspect that large scale producers will be exempted from the prescription requirement, leaving the regulatory burden on the shoulders of small family farmers. (Which might also sound familiar.) If this goes into effect, just wait a few years and it will grow, with bureaucratic inevitability. They’ll be telling vets: “You …

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 40 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for any …

Communication Skills: Key Tools for Survival, by S.S.F.

Most people wouldn’t keep .22 shells on hand for their .30-06 rifle.  They likely wouldn’t waste space in their pantry, storage, garden or go-bag for foodstuffs that were not calorically or nutritionally dense compared with the space they occupied Each serious or well-intentioned survivalist knows how precious resources, energy, space and time can be, and would likely strive for a high level of efficiency.  Being well prepared and resourceful is a cornerstone of success when it comes to survival. And yet, there is a fundamental tool that is oft overlooked- effective communication strategies. The tools in a survivalist’s arsenal should …

Letter Re: Stand Your Ground Laws in Peril

James, This was predictable but nevertheless it makes me shudder.  As a result of the shooting death Trayvon Martin in Florida, the facts of which will not be known in their entirety for sometime to come if ever, the left is now running a national campaign pegging “stand your ground” laws as “shoot first,” completely mischaracterizing their intent and effect.  If these people had their way (and there’s a chance they will), the homeowner in this article, who exercised extreme self control before finally pulling the trigger, would likely have been led away in handcuffs facing charges. Best Regards, – …

Letter Re: Entomophagy Diet Supplementation Options

Jim, While I understand consuming insects may keep you from starving to death, there is a real concern if eating without adequate cooking. Many insects carry round and tape worms, nematodes and other parasites.  I once softly stepped on a cricket and watched several worms exit the body.  Every time I see people advocating eating insects, I think of that cricket and the nasty worms.  While the insects my stave off starvation, the worms, parasites, and so forth might well be worse in the long run. – Alan T.

Economics and Investing:

Dan in Kentucky recommended this BBC news video segment: Greek town develops bartering system without euro. [JWR Adds a word of warning: To avoid charges of fraud or counterfeiting, never use the term “Dollar” or use a Dollar Sign ($) when setting up an alternative currency, or make any implication that the currency units in any way reflects or is tied to the Dollar as a currency unit. (The creators of the Liberty Dollar learned this the hard way.) Instead, the barter currency unit should be denominated in hours of labor, or 1/10th Troy ounces of silver, with no mention …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Another gent beats feet for the American Redoubt: Why I’m Moving West    o o o Paul Venezia: Your privacy is a sci-fi fantasy. (Thanks Mark P. for the link.)    o o o Pierre M. sent this: DHS Purchases Bullet Resistant Checkpoint Booths Amid Large Scale Ammo Buildup    o o o This upcoming film seems to be more about romance than survivalism: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World    o o o Real wrath of God stuff: Raging downpour leaves Texas town covered in giant piles of hail stones.

Notes from JWR:

We recently set up our own affiliate store with the U.S. Cavalry Store, to offer a wide range of top quality survival and military gear. (The profits will help cover SurvivalBlog’s bandwidth, web hosting, and VPN expenses.) Please check it out. — Today we present two more entries for Round 40 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for …

The Bugout Buggy, by H. in Bradenton, Florida

Those of us who have considered the terrible option of having to leave our homes, our main domicile and primary place of normalcy and safety due to civil unrest or worse have had to ask the question of, “What do I take with me?”. Eventually this question comes down taking that hike to …. wherever we feel is best, a better chance for survival environment. Why hike? Because any rational consideration of events that could occur all lead to fuel being no longer able to be obtained, roads blocked, normal travel impossible. Furthermore, the roads themselves may not be the …

Selling the Truth, by Ben S.

I am not sure on when it happened, or how it happened, all I know is that it happened. I woke up one morning and realized that I didn’t have a plan and I didn’t know what I needed a plan for. Something inside of me was tearing at my chest, not in the form of fear, but in the form of urgency. I started to react instantly and in an almost frantic way because I knew that there was something very important I needed to do. After a couple of weeks I stopped myself and took two steps back …

Letter Re: Change Your Mind, Save Your Life

Jim, There seems to be a lot of debate on ‘should I head for the hills, post-SHTF‘. In my opinion, what most people miss is: Yes, it is a bad idea to head for the hills with no firmly established destination. Either move now or establish a place you are welcome to before the SHTF. I doubt a small town will be welcoming strangers in that situation. As for the fantasy of ‘living off the land’, you and 85 million other people? Ever try to bag a deer during hunting season with the limits in place today? – Ross JWR …