Economics and Investing:

Daniel R. Amerman: Inflation & Hidden Gold Taxation: Three Historical Case Studies The Daily Bell reports: Spain Bans Cash Items from The Economatrix: How Iceland Recovered Without Bailing Out Banks Jobs Beat Foreclosures as Housing-Market Guide Falling Energy Prices:  Good For Jobs, Not So Good For Gasoline Fears Rise That Recovery May Falter In The Spring

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dave T. mentioned that both Facebook and Apple are locating data centers in Prineville, in eastern Oregon. Dave’s comment: “This shows that even IT folk might be able to find jobs in The American Redoubt area, and makes me wonder if survivability factors into these companies’ desire to locate there, along with considerations like inexpensive power, inexpensive land and tax incentives.” JWR Adds: Both Oregon and Washington have implemented special tax incentives to lure new data centers. Both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Rackspace are building data centers in Morrow, Oregon, and Google set up one of theirs an hour’s …

Notes from JWR:

To support the blog’s bandwidth costs and other expenses, we have greatly expanded our SurvivalBlog Amazon Store. We did our best to select gear that is made in the United States and Canada. Here how it works: If you click on one of our Amazon links and then “click through” to order ANY product from (not just the ones listed in our catalog), then we will earn a modest sales commission. Please shop with our our paid advertisers first. (See the ads in the right hand bar of the main blog page.) But if they don’t have what you …

How to Talk Your Doctor into Prescribing You Antibiotics, by Dr. Cynthia Koelker

First of all, don’t use those words.  Doctors don’t want to be “talked into” something that they may not want to do.  You’ll need a better approach.   Secondly, if you tack your request on to the end of an office visit, it will not be granted.  At this point your doctor is ready to move on to the next patient and will not appreciate the delay.  You don’t want your doctor irritated with you when you ask him a favor.   So how does one meet with success?    Basically you need to enter the doctor’s “world” and see …

Pat’s Product Review: Buck Knives CSAR-T Folder

I know a little something about being a first responder to an accident scene. In another life, I was a paramedic, and later in life, I was a police officer. So, I’ve been to more than my share of accidents, and one thing that was usually needed in many traffic accidents, was a good sharp knife, that could cut a person out of their seat belt, or cut some of their clothes off for urgent medical care. So, I appreciate a good sharp knife, more so than most folks do.   Buck Knives ( has been around since 1902. No …

Letter Re: The Expanding Flash Mob Threat

JWR, Last Easter weekend, a twitter message went out and in a few hours 20,000 people descended on Surfside Beach, Texas, population about 600. My LEO contacts tell me there were only six officers available. The crowd turned sour towards the locals who did not want them parking or defecating in their yards. Several residents had to stand on their front porches with weapons displayed to keep groups of hundreds from passing through their property. Several rental beach houses were broken into and one contact said the volume of human feces and trash was unbelievable. The roads were impassable for …

Two Letters Re: Understanding Five Types of Electrical Losses in Alternative Power Systems

Hello Jim, I enjoyed the article regarding off-grid power by Roger A. I’d like to add a few points  about the elimination of phantom loads and the use of inverters. As defined by the author, “phantom loads are created by appliances that have been designed to still need electricity while nominally switched off.” The elimination of these phantom loads reduces electrical needs in two ways; by eliminating the power needed by the appliance and the potential of being able to turn off the inverter. As pointed out in the article, inverters draw an average of 25 watts just to operate. …

Recipe of the Week:

Jo N.’s Oatmeal Bread I like this recipe because it makes three nice loaves with little effort.  You do not need to attend to the bread that closely so you can go off and do other chores while it is rising (2 times) and baking.   Today was bread making day for me, and this is an easy recipe that can be made with supplies we all should have on hand.   Oatmeal Bread (makes 3 loaves) 4 c boiling water 3 c oats (Quaker Oats, not instant) 7.5 to 8.5 c flour (regular is fine and is what I use) …

Economics and Investing:

Reader Jay B. wrote to mention this: IMF doubles lending capacity. Jay’s comment: “Didn’t you hear the printing presses speed up? You didn’t? Well, I will give you a hint, and it sounded like a sonic boom.” Coin Dealers Squeezed By New Ordinances. JWR’s Comment: To expect a coin dealer to hold merchandise for 15 to 30 days in a volatile precious metals market is absurd. No doubt their bid prices will be decreased, to cover the additional risk. Doug Casey: Expect Extreme Volatility a the Titanic Forces of Inflation and Deflation Fight Each Other The big swindle and a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A reminder that I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at the Get Prepared Expo, in Springfield, Missouri on April 28 & 29, 2012. The expo is being organized by It will be held at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds. o o o A reader from Florida wrote to ask me about the prospects for paying off the National Debt. The short answer: It is mathematically impossible, unless the purchasing power of the US dollar is destroyed through mass inflation. (It worked for the Weimar Republic…) o o o My recent interview on the Alex Jones show is now …

Notes from JWR:

Please pray daily, fervently for the fledgling nation of South Sudan. I was alarmed to read yesterday that war has now been declared by Sudan. After seeing how the BHO administration has aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in several recent civil conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East, I expect that South Sudan can’t expect anything more than just disingenuous lip service from the U.S. government. Please pray and do anything you can to help the South Sudanese to survive. Please also pray for our President, that he would become convicted to substantively help South Sudan. — Today …

Prepping the Space Between Your Ears, by Tona

I don’t recall a time in my life when I wasn’t doing at least some planning for “worst case” situations.  That may have come from growing up in an earthquake prone part of the country, and during the cold war when we drilled for nuclear attacks during the school day.  My mother, who was a single parent through much of my life, also modeled planning for “hard times” by storing food, following world and local trends closely, and being careful with money.  I became serious and more intentional in prepping following Katrina, when it confirmed my suspicion that we had …

Letter Re: An Expat’s View of Overseas Relocation and Expatriation

Jim: Periodically I see posts or news articles about USA citizens renouncing their citizenship and moving abroad to greener pastures for tax and other reasons. I have lived and traveled outside the USA for some time now due to my current job.  Every year I have to fill out all the forms stating the bank accounts (and now assets) that I have outside the USA and they are indeed a real pain to fill out and it is a rather onerous process to gather all the information that I need to provide.  Not only do I have to fill out …