Two Letters Re: Beans, Bullets, Band-Aids, and Birthdays

Jim: I have to say, the recent Beans, Bullets, Band-Aids, and Birthdays article hit exactly how I view prepping for morale, especially for children (which can in turn improve the morale of adults). When I was 10 my dad lost his job and for four years he toiled at any hard labor job he could find, including roofing all the hail damaged house in the area. We went from having dessert every other dinner to barely eating and forget new clothes, we barely had money for the thrift store bargains. Luckily, there were three of us girls, so all the …

Letter Re: Some Thoughts on Cartridge Handloading

Mr. Rawles, Kent C.’s article about handloading is a very informative piece.  However, I’d like to provide a little supplemental information.  First off is the matter of cost.  Kent makes the point, with good mathematical support, that reloading doesn’t really save much money when reloading common calibers (your primary guns are in common caliber, aren’t they?), but there are a couple elements he did not mention.  I have a friend who, in conjunction with a couple other guys, put in a large freight order of reloading components for several different common calibers.  We’re talking five-digit bullet counts here, with equal …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Timothy J. sent this: Red tape twister? Alabama county blocked from putting up signs directing people to tornado shelter    o o o The Ram Home Safety Show is coming back to Houston, Texas on June 2, 2012 at the Reliant Center, re-branded as the Home Safety and Preparedness Show.  The show is going to be bigger and better than ever with the addition of the preparedness products and services. Along with the celebrity experts Mykel Hawke of Man, Woman, Wild on the Discovery Channel, plus Colby Donaldson of Survivor, and the History Channel hit show Top Shot.    o o o Not easy, but …

Note From JWR:

Today we present two more entries for Round 40 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for …

Some Thoughts on Cartridge Handloading, by Kent C.

In reading Don’s response to my first article, I’m going to write about a subject I was saving for next month, but I think is germane now. And I’ll probably forget it by then. Let’s talk about reloading, which also gets short shrift in a lot of books. Note–I’m not going to go into a great deal of technique here. There are books on that. If you like, I can provide my e-mail address and would be willing to answer questions that way. I’m also not going to tell you what brand of press or dies I use. If you …

Beans, Bullets, Band-Aids, and Birthdays, by Kathryn T.

“Morale is the greatest single factor in successful wars,” said 34th U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  I would add that morale is the greatest single success factor in any stressful situation, whether it be war, civil unrest, financial collapse, earthquake, snowstorm, serious illness, or job loss.  The means for keeping morale high is different depending on the person in question.  For adults, that may mean stockpiling tea, coffee, or brownie mix.  For children, though, it often means continuing to recognize the celebrations of happier times. To that end, I keep a “prize box” in our basement.  Throughout the year, I …

Letter Re: Don’t Be Blind-sided By a Secondary Event

Dear James: I second the motion – any nuclear power experts on the blog that can comment on the threat from further catastrophes in Japan, or similar catastrophes happening here in the US? Quite frankly I had not paid enough attention to Fukushima.  What I am finally reading is incredibly disturbing.   To summarize, we have a fragile earthquake, and tsunami damaged building, holding tons of highly radioactive and unstable nuclear fuel rods – on the building’s second storey, 100 feet in the air, in an active earthquake zone. Here is a photo. Here is a quote: “If an earthquake or …

Letter Re: Maps, Legends, and Ground Truth

Hello James,  Our contribution to being prepared was a Sunday drive. Here is what we did:   An essential piece of equipment for anyone contemplating any kind of emergency relocation are good maps. If your relocation is a “bug out” due to deterioration of local conditions you need to have a plan. In consideration that my current well placed rural residence might be a point of contention for those who want to ‘borrow my belongings and harbor unnatural urges about the occupants I have taken to making exploratory trips about my county. Even though we are sheltering in place an …

Economics and Investing:

Several readers wrote to send this: Canada Stops Making Cents as Flaherty Lets Penny Drop. JWR’s Comment: Don’t miss the last line of the article: “The penny, with two maple leaves on one side and a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on the other, has lost 95 percent of its purchasing power since it was first produced by the mint.” If journalist Quinn were more discerning and incisive, he could and should have written: “Since 1902, the citizenry of Canada has been slowly robbed of 95% of the purchasing power of their currency, through insidious inflation. The worthlessness of the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A new listing at caught my eye: Not only is it being sold with a fully-stocked larder and full fuel tanks, but it is also in my old stomping grounds: Orofino, Idaho Retreat. (There is also a dedicated web site for the property:    o o o Douglas C. mentioned that there is a surprisingly good summary of Societal Collapse on a Wikipedia page.    o o o Hooray! The long-anticipated Kushnapup Saiga bullpup stocks are finally shipping. I trust that they will be worth the extended wait.    o o o Offshore retreats have their drawbacks, even …

Notes from JWR:

A few months ago, we transitioned to housing SurvivalBlog on a dedicated server in Sweden and as a precuation asked everyone to write down the IP address: In addition to, we’d also like to establish a couple of other low-bandwidth offshore mirror web sites for SurvivalBlog. This is one of our independent Continuity of Web Service (COWS) insurance measures. Does anyone outside of the U.S. have any inexpensive server space available? Preferably this would be in a country without close ties to the United States, like Finland, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Thailand, an independent island nation in …

Pat’s Product Review: Train Safe Barrel Block

I’ve been a firearms instructor for a lot of years. I attended the US Army Marksmanship Unit, Rifle Instructor and Coaches Clinic way back in 1970, and I’ve been an NRA Certified Rifle, Handgun and Person Protection In The Home, instructor for about 20 years now. It’s safe to say, I’ve trained numerous people over the years in firearm use and safety.   More than anything, before I’m done with one of my firearms students, they have to demonstrate firearms safety to me – marksmanship skills are secondary in my class. However, everyone walks away from my class being a …