Recipe of the Week:

N.G in Minnesota’s Rye and Cranberry Stuffing This recipe started off as an “oops” and turned into a great side dish. I was making a Rye Batter Bread, but hadn’t greased the pan well enough. When I went to remove the bread, it came out of the pan in chunks. The taste was great, so I didn’t want to waste it, but it wasn’t going to work for sandwiches. We’ll start with the Batter Bread: 1 ¼ cups warm water (100-110F) 2 ½ t dry active or instant yeast 2 T honey 2 T oil or softened butter 1 c …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. flagged this: Why Are People Hoarding Coins? Reader Steve L. sent: Cost to Make Penny and Nickel Rises, Annual Loss Reaches $116.7 Million. When seigniorage goes negative, modern era governments almost always move to debase their coinage. The window of of opportunity to acquire nickels without sorting will be closing soon! Drought expands, concerns mount about wheat and rivers G.G. flagged this: Government borrows 46 cents of every dollar it spends. And meanwhile, we read: Federal Budget Deficit 24% Higher Over Same Time Period Last Year. How long can this go on? Protect yourself by diversifying out of Dollars …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Freeze Dry Guy two-week 25% off sale of Mountain House freeze dried foods in #10 cans ends on December 13th, so order soon. This sale offer includes free shipping to CONUS!    o o o A Heapin’ Helpin’ of Chicago Hypocrisy: Anti-gun Legislator Faces Weapons Charge    o o o The folks at Tattler Reusable Canning Lids have announced a One Day Sale.   On Monday, December 10th, 2012 their specials will be as follows: Regular Lids/Rings – 1/2 case (12 dozen) – $69.95 – 30% discount Wide Mouth Lids/Rings -1/2 case (12 dozen) – $78.95 – 30% discount 1/2 …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“As for old school secession, it’s not the sort of power that is granted or earned. It’s taken, along with the consequences. The practical nexus is confiscation of federal property and loss of revenue and compensation for repatriation and so forth. It’s said “stealing their money” is the only crime DC takes seriously. Secession would be seen as robbery by DC, especially those states comprised largely of federal lands. No vilification would be enough, no remedy too extreme.” – Ol’ Remus, in The Woodpile Report blog, December 4, 2012.

Notes from JWR:

December 9th, 2012 would have been the 98th birthday of Maximo Guillermo “Max” Manus. He was was one of the few Norwegians who had the testicular fortitude to put his life on the line, fighting the Nazi occupiers. (There surely would have been many more active resistance fighters in Norway, but fearing widespread reprisal executions by the Germans, King H7 urged the civilian populace to stand down.) Manus passed away in 1996. His exploits are fairly accurately shown in the movie Max Manus: Man of War — Today we present another entry for Round 44 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing …

Shopping in the Dark, by A.D.G.

[Editor’s Introductory Note: I didn’t write the following article. It was written by reader A.D.G. Normally I wouldn’t run an article that discusses loathsome behavior. Stealing from your employer or from your fellow employees isn’t conscionable. But I decided to post it because it underscores the importance of keeping a well-stocked Get Home Bag (GHB) ready whenever you are away from home. Do not put yourself in a position where you must loot to survive. – J.W.R.] I found myself at the office during a power failure and I started thinking about what to do in an emergency situation if …

Three Letters Re: Survival Bikes

Hey James; I just want to comment regarding the article just posted about survival bikes.   It was a generally good article, but I have a few points of disagreement with the author.   The first point where I would disagree is in regard to the type of tubes he recommends.  His recommendation is bikes with Schrader valves as opposed to Presta.  I believe Presta valves to be far superior and more durable than the Schrader valve.  His reason for using the Schrader valve tube is that it is more universal.  While that is true, generally, most bicycle pumps have …

Economics and Investing:

H.L. suggested this at Zero Hedge: Charts Of The Day: Greek Unemployment Hits Escape Velocity Yishai sent: Oklahomans can Buy Gold and Silver Coins and Bars without Paying Sales Tax When The “PRICE” of Gold or Silver Means Nothing? [JWR Adds: FWIW, I can remember Howard J. Ruff foreseeing this situation. He described it in his Ruff House television show, back in the late 1970s.] Items from The Economatrix: Service Industries In US Unexpectedly Rose In November Worst Since WWII:  50% Unemployment:  Over Six Million Teens And Young Adults Are Out Of Work And Not In School Confiscation, Price Suppression …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) suggested an informative piece about EOD robots.    o o o Reader E.A.B. mentioned this tremendous online resource: The LSU Agriculture Center Library    o o o Should We Ice Injuries? (Thanks to Larry R. for the link.)    o o o Yishai sent: Agriculture Secretary: Rural America Is ‘Becoming Less and Less Relevant’

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? [It is] God that justifieth. Who [is] he that condemneth? [It is] Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more …

Notes from JWR:

A follow-up on the tragic accidental death of Chuck Lamb (the husband of Jenny of The Last Frontier blog.) A Special Memorial Fund has been set up by Wells Fargo bank, to benefit Jenny and her two young sons. The account number is 7348691358. It is in the name “Chuck Lamb Donation Account”. You can make a donation via any Wells Fargo Bank branch. — Today we present another entry for Round 44 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A …

Common Sense Cooking in a Grid Down World, by Linda in North Carolina

My husband tells it the best: the utility power was out for miles around after the transformers blew. Driving up to our home in a darkened neighborhood after a harrowing commute, our house shined with soft glow outside of solar lights along the driveway and in the windows, candle light flickered inside, food was cooking out back on what appeared to be a stack of blocks, music from a wind up radio played in the background and my wife handed me a steaming mug of hot chocolate as I walked in. No generator in use….no power….yet warmth and reassuring life …

Letter Re: Making Our Bug Out Bags Work: Shaving Weight

CPT Rawles, In reference to the article Making Our Bug Out Bags Work: Shaving Weight, I applaud the efforts of Joshua H. taking the opportunity to hike 22 miles in three days, however, without any other information, his resulting experience is not surprising.  As a fellow Army officer, you can attest that ruck marching is essentially a practiced art.  One builds up to those distances and weights.  Cutting weight is good, but only those items not deemed necessary.  Don’t cut weight because of a lack of practice carrying a weighted down backpack.  Practice carrying that weight, and build up the weight …

Four Letters Re: Coban Wrap a Must for Medical Kits

JWR, Thank you for all your efforts. I pray they are never needed but fear otherwise. We run a safety training and supply company specializing in custom first aid/survival kits for various customers. We agree that Coban is wonderful stuff. A hint for the budget minded preppers use a vet supply house or feed store and buy “vet wrap”– same stuff at lower price. – A.K.S. Jim: Coban is not a panacea for your wound dressing needs.  While it does offer self-adherence,  ease of use, durability, availability, selection of sizes and colors, etc.  There are a few flaws with this …

Economics and Investing:

Income tax will exceed 50% in California, Hawaii, and New York City R.B.S. sent: Why You Might Only Be Able to Get Part-Time Work in 2013 Kevin A. sent: Double Your Money Selling Old Pennies by the Pound 109-Million Private Sector Jobs Paying for 88-Million Government Jobs/Welfare Items from The Economatrix: The European Threat To The US Recovery The Fiscal Cliff Is A Mirage, But A Real Cliff Is Ahead Most Accurate Forecaster Sees Lethargic U.S. Expansion