Notes from JWR:

JRH Enterprises is about to begin their annual Memorial Day weekend sale on Night Vision and Thermal Sight units. They have new Third Generation Pinnacle Autogated PVS-14 night vision monocular/sights with a five year warranty for as low as $2,695. Upgraded Versions are sale priced at $2,995. Also, check out the new Clip On Thermal Imaging (C.O.T.I.) unit that clips on the front of your night vision device and adds a thermal image to combine the best aspects of thermal imaging with the best aspects of normal light amplification night vision. — Today we present two more entries for Round 40 …

Your Get Home Plan, by J.A.F.

If you work outside the home, or go to school, or have responsibilities that take you away from home on a daily basis, you need to be prepared for crisis situations while you are not at your home base.  Before you can Bug-In you have to get home.  Even if you plan to Bug-Out, you may have to get home first because you need to coordinate with others in your family, or because you need to pick up supplies that you can’t take to work each day or because there are pets at home that must be cared for or …

Strength for Survival by Mick M.

Growing up, I was never the “Jock” in my family. As the youngest of four boys, I spent a good bit of childhood as a grappling dummy and punching bag. I played soccer and swam on the team but I really preferred spending time exploring nature, building forts, pyrotechnics, reading, and tapping into my imagination. My father is an Air Force Academy graduate and Vietnam veteran who instilled the basics of survival skills in us and focused on cultivating a strong work ethic and obedience amongst his sons. When I was about ten years old, I joined the Boy Scouts …

Letter Re: Alternatives to Dentists DVD

Hi Jim & Family, SurvivalBlog readers will be interested in this new DVD titled “Alternatives To Dentists“.  It contains very effective techniques for daily hygiene, treating and preventing cavities, even healing abscessed teeth – and how to do this in a grid down, primitive, “no dentist available” scenario.  The presenter is Doug Simons who has been using these techniques for himself and his patients for almost 30 years.  Doug has a bit of a ‘tree hugger’ in him, but the information is solid and well worth having in any survivalists library. You’ll love it. – Greyback Mountain

Economics and Investing:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Recovery or Economic Collapse? Bet on Collapse — The Financial Crisis Could Destroy Western Civilization Using the young as a shield for hitting the deficit spending wall – the bill will come due for the young. Government spending prioritizes old American immediate needs and will send the bill to the young. Merkel Heads for Debt Showdown with Hollande at EU Summit David Stockman: We are Coping With the Crash of a 30-Year–Long Debt Super-Cycle Items from The Economatrix: War-gaming Greek Euro Exit Shows Hazards in 46-hour Weekend (Reader Sue C. noted about this same article: “The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Lee M. suggested an outstanding tabular list, over at the Preparedness Advice Blog: Common Chemical Names. (This, BTW, is a good list to print out in hard copy for your home workshop reference binder. It might be crucial if you need to translate any chemical formulas from pre-1923 formularies.)    o o o Ian in England sent this: Police to extract and permanently retain mobile phone data in UK    o o o A piece recommended at The Woodpile Report by Ol’ Remus: OPSEC: It Begins With You    o o o The lists of cyber threats keeps expanding: Insulin …

Note From JWR:

Today we present two more entries for Round 40 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for …

Advice for Less Able/Disabled Preppers, by M.D.M.

I was born and raised on a farm, lived military and worked all my life, so I am accustomed to hard work and understand the need for a strong physical body. After years of working 10-12 hours a day, I decided to go back to college at nights to get a degree in pastoral studies, so I could keep busy during my ‘retirement’ years. In August, 2005 my life changed with a bad accident, now, disabled and in a wheelchair, my life is upside down and for me it was TEOTWAWKI.  I have always been a prepper and I’m not …

Planning for TEOTWAWKI, by P.S.

Everyone is familiar with planning for “The End Of The World As We Know It” (TEOTWAWKI).  Our long and costly preparations that we make in order to survive the massive disaster that will one day change our present way of living. We try to predict what type of disaster may happen and plan accordingly. It may be plans to survive the coming economic collapse, some form of EMP whether be it solar or man made, or some form of a global pandemic, the list goes on and on. I enlisted in the US Coast Guard back in 1975 and took …

Letter Re: A Non-Warrior Surviving Traumatic Times

Dear SurvivalBloggers: I would like to offer a personal experience with a situation that might help Deborah C. and others like her.  First of all she was very honest in her assessment of a future event and her concerns she mentioned and I think all Preppers have thoughts or experiences or thoughts that parallel Deborah’s to some extent.  Future events, are unknowns for most and the ‘fears/concerns’ are valid, however how we react to or even function is helped by addressing the potential situation in the here and now.   The adage we often hear in the Prepping community “Hope for the best and …

Economics and Investing:

A Greece euro exit could make Lehman’s collapse ‘look like a tea party’ K.A.F. sent this: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders Several readers sent this link: Secret Central Bank Aid Props Up Greek Banks OECD sees euro crisis threatening world recovery Items from The Economatrix: Gold’s Fortunes Will Soon Turn Around Panic Like It’s March 2009 Fears Of Bank Runs Increase In Southern Europe Gasoline Prices Keep Falling But Relief Could Be Short Lived

Odds ‘n Sods:

As a bonus to promote their revamped web site (with a complete redesign, and an updated shopping interface) Directive 21 (aka LPC Survival) has created a 5% off discount code, just for SurvivalBlog readers. Use code: Survivalblog. (Their URL is unchanged, and they are still under the same management. Just their web site has been updated.)    o o o Chris M. suggested this at Resilient Communities: Food Abundance? (Includes an instructive picture of empty store shelves in Zimbabwe.) Oh, and speaking of watermelons, see this at the Wazoo Ag Extension web site: Watermelon Variety Descriptions.    o o o …

Note From JWR:

Today we present two more entries for Round 40 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for …