Because our e-mail box is now getting hammered with more than 100 pieces of spam mail per day, we are now reluctantly removing the direct e-mail links in SurvivalBlog. Henceforth, all of the “e-mail us” links will be directed to our Contact page. There, at the the top of the page, you will see a fractured e-mail address: james–AT SYMBOL– (Change the “–AT SYMBOL–” to @). This formatting is designed to divert web spiders that harvest e-mail addressess for Nigerian scammers and those V*agra hucksters. Sorry for any inconvenience that this might cause you. Note that there is no need to update your e-mail address book. (Our e-mail address hasn’t changed–only the way we show it on the site.)
An Update To Our Contact Page–Combatting Spammers
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