Simple Electronic Devices and Hacks for Every Day Preparations, by Pat in Oregon

Technology is a significant force multiplier in emergency situations.  There are several options I’ve found in my preparations to incorporate electronics into our everyday use and emergency preparations.  Hopefully these ideas will be of use and get others thinking about possibilities.  My goal in utilizing these ‘gadgets’ is to increase availability of resource while decreasing maintenance and effort – all at low cost if possible.  I’d like to share a few of the low-cost options that are simplest to try that we’ve adopted in our preps. I’m an engineer and realize most of the tools I use won’t be appreciated …

Two Letters Re: Uses For Discarded Political Campaign Signs and Wickets

James: To make the neighborhood corners more attractive my hubby and I collect out-of-date political signs and yard sale signs – especially the ones posted on those H-style wire posts. We reuse the wire posts to support plants by either just sticking them in the ground around the plants or by making ‘fences’ to keep them inbounds where they line walkways. We have also made trellises by using them sideways, attaching them by string or wire and hanging them and then securing them at the base by using one or more in the normal way stuck in the ground. We’ve …

Letter Re: Sorting Canadian Pennies

Hi Jim: I just finished the article titled “Sorting Canadian Pennies” and had one more thought regarding the comments on nickels.  What everyone is predicting will happen to the US nickel has already taken place here in Canada.  The current US nickel is 25% nickel and 75% Copper making the 5 cent coin already worth around 6 cents. That is a great investment if you ask me!  The Canadian nickel on the other hand, has already been badly debased, valued at around 4 Cents. This happened in 1982.  However, Canadian nickels that are pre-1982 [but post-1954] are 99% nickel! This makes them …

Economics and Investing:

K.A.F. flagged this: UBS, RBS Ratings Lowered as Fitch Says More Than a Dozen Banks May Follow Greg F. sent this: Reconsidering the Housing Crisis George Maniere: Precious Metals Investing: Will Gold And Silver Continue Their Run Up? Items from The Economatrix: Business Inventories And Sales Rose In August Oil Prices Rise Near $87As Recession Fears Ease Foreigners Dump $74B In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks; Biggest Sequential Outflow In History Big Trouble Brewing

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some interesting observations from a fellow blogger: Oh Dark Thirty    o o o P.N.G. liked this article over at Electronic Design News: A super-het radio runs 5 years on a C-cell, plus a pentode radio    o o o Kyle L. mentioned a gooddeal on Federal brand .22 LR hollow point ammo from Cabela’s. I predict that .22 hollowpoints will be an ideal item for barter in the event of a socioecononmic collapse, so stock up. (BTW, they are also offering free shipping fee on any order over $150, with promo code “WOCTOBER”)    o o o FBI begins …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” – 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV)

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 37 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $300 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from (a $275 value), D.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo, and E.) …

A Grandmother’s Practical Preparedness Plans, by Mrs. M.B.

Those of us who are from the 1930-1940s generation may have a lot of childhood memories from our parents and grandparents that will serve us well as we approach TEOTWAWKI.  As I meditate back on the sketchy memories of childhood, I can recall a number of things that today would be called “survival living” but for us at that time was simply “living.” In survival times, let us not forget our kids emotional well-being.  In addition to needing extra love and assurance from parents and grandparents, there are many simple ways to help them entertain themselves and break free of …

Letter Re: Sorting Canadian Pennies

Mr. Rawles, I had a moment of inspiration today and after looking up melt value of Canadian coins on Coinflation and giving thought to your article about storing U.S. nickels.  I decided to try an experiment sorting Canadian coins, specifically nickels and pennies.  Note that these melt values are when Copper spot price is listed at $3.246/lbs – a two year low in October 2011.  Personally, with the currency printing going around world wide, I think it’s reasonable to assume these prices are going to skyrocket in the near future. I went to a Canadian bank and bought several roles …

Letter Re: Farmer’s Markets in the American Redoubt?

Dear James- I just recently found your blog through a story on The Daily Crux by Stansberry and Associates. I am very impressed by the amount and quality of the info. I now feel less alone! The people that I have tried to talk to here don’t have a clue-they either say that if something bad happens they know we will take care of(feed) them or they say that they have guns and will take what they need. I only know of two other preppers and they are many miles away. We run a greenhouse business and vegetable farm in northern Wisconsin. …

Economics and Investing:

Ian Gordon: Hedging With Gold Against Imminent Economic Collapse State may expedite Florida foreclosures B.B. sent a link to the latest Jim Rogers CNBC Interview. Also from B.B.: Gold is not in a Bubble: It’s on its way to $10,000 an ounce Yet another from B.B.: Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Rise On Gain In Retail Sales; Google Jumps California Revenues Down By $705M The Depression:  If Only Things Were That Good Retail Sales Rose Strongly In September On Autos  

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader C.D.V. found a handy search tool where you can look up your local school and see what toxic chemicals the children are exposed to. It goes on to list what chemicals and what businesses/industries are responsible. This is just one more tool to use when research retreat locales. It also provide further support for my states designated in The American Redoubt.    o o o Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) sent links to a couple of video clips on creative uses for CONEX containers: Concrete reinforced CONEX “wine cellar” and Prefab CONEX cabins.    o o o …

Notes from JWR:

A reader alerted me that the first two hours of my three-hour interview late Wednesday/early Thursday morning on “Coast To Coast AM” with George Noory are now available on YouTube. (There are four sequential clips available.) — Today we present another entry for Round 37 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Mountain …

Letter Re: A Predator-Resistant Chicken Coop Design

After reading the article about protecting your chickens, I would like to comment on my solution.  After experiencing my early failed attempt at chicken raising because the possums would chase the night dumb chickens back and forth against the chicken wire enclosure and extrude them through the chicken wire eating as they pulled, I built chicken coop number two.    First I built it off the ground with a slightly sloping plywood floor covered by galvanized sheet metal ship lapped to protect the floor. When pressure washing, the water flows to the outside.  At the low end I raised the wood stud base plate …