Odds ‘n Sods:

Shortages Lead Doctors To Ration Critical Drugs. (A hat tip to Brian D. for the link.)

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Couple recovering from home bear attack. Important safety tip: Keep a loaded gun handy at all times, for both two-legged and four-legged predators! (Thanks to F.J. for the link.)

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Fed Plan to Consolidate Power Over Nation’s Power Highway Has States Nervous

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A bit more truth comes out: ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010. Meanwhile, we read: Whitehouse Document Dump Raises Possibility of Second ‘Gunwalking’ Program

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I’ve been having fun watching the almost real life Sons of Guns television series available via Netflix streaming. I say “almost” because a few of the situations seem a bit contrived and/or too coincidental to be mere happenstance. The show is about a father and daughter that operate Red Jacket, a Class 3 manufacturer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They have an eccentric crew of enthusiastic gunsmiths with very positive attitudes. (And, refreshingly, much cleaner vocabularies than the wrench-turners in all those “Monster Garage” type shows.) Other than the fact that the producers glossed over the $200 transfer tax requirement for full auto, SBRs and SBS transfers in the U.S., the show is quite good, overall. Many of their modification work involve suppressors, Saiga 12 shotguns, and other guns in the AK family.