Notes from JWR:

A reminder that next Tuesday (October 4th) is Book Bomb Day for my new novel “Survivors”. If you have a blog of your own, brief mentions of the book release with links to my Writings Page would be greatly appreciated. Please wait until Tuesday to place your order. That way the book will have a better chance of climbing up to the Top 20 in’s overall sales ranking. Thanks! — Today we present the last two entries for Round 36 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from …

Family Planning WTSHTF, by N.S.

Everyone wants to be able to take care of the family When The Schumer Hits The Fan (WTSHTF).  We have all read dozens of articles about how to garden, store food, keep seeds, protect our homes, and generally go about the living of life day-to-day.  We’ve heard the mantra: Life after the TSHTF is not for the faint of heart, nor the easily-grossed-out.  We’ve also seen a few that go into detail on how to prepare medically for disaster.  While all of us will be working hard to provide for our families and keep them safe, we also need to …

Thinking About Weapons, by Jon W.

“Just think–it may be a new experience.”  For many of us “just thinking” may indeed be a new experience if it means making TEOTWAWKI survival choices purposefully and rationally,  We need to apply that quote and really think before deciding what and how much to buy as part of our survival plan. This is especially true when it comes to choosing firearms because they are our primary survival weapons. Calm and logical thought processes are vital to selecting tools key to surviving in an “end of the world as we know it” scenario.  But the advice many give about selecting firearms seems …

Letter Re: U.S. Air Force Final Phase Out of BDU Uniforms

Jim, Woodland pattern battle dress uniforms (BDUs) were phased out by the Army years ago, but the U.S. Air Force has allowed their personnel to wear them longer, even as they transitioned to other camo pattern uniforms.  Final BDU phase out for the Air Force is reported to be November 1st, 2011, so the availability of this used gear will continue to taper off, even in base thrift stores.  Note that with two forms of identification, most Americans can access a base to visit a thrift store.  Military base thrift stores are usually operated as private, charitable organizations and have limited …

Economics and Investing:

Chris Martenson: The Economy Is on The Ropes and Going Down–We are down to the wire in terms of time to prepare Miek F. flagged this bit of Agenda 21-style nuttery: Gas Tax Should Yield to Mile Fee as Cars Evolve: James M. Whitty Items from The Economatrix: Tightening The Noose:  France Bans Cash Sales of Silver & Gold Over $600 Wall-Street Protestors:  Over-educated, Under-employed, Angry Geithner Plan For Europe Last Chance For Catastrophe Consumer Confidence Remains Weak In September Stocks Rise For Third Day On Optimism About Europe

Odds ‘n Sods:

Once again, the American Redoubt shines, as a safe place to live: Firearm-related crimes interactive map.    o o o S.D. sent: Meet the Zetros: Apocalypse-Ready Motorhome    o o o Reader C.K. wrote to mention an illuminating article about the Red Dawn remake controversy: Libertas Sees the ‘Uncensored’ Version of MGM’s New Red Dawn    o o o G.G. was the first of several readers to send this: As Federal Crime List Grows, Threshold of Guilt Declines    o o o The Federal Reserve Plans to Identify “Key Bloggers” and Monitor Billions of Conversations. So not only does the …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Waking up at the start of the end of the world, But it’s feeling just like every other morning before, Now I wonder what my life is going to mean if it’s gone, The cars are moving like a half a mile an hour And I started staring at the passengers who’re waving goodbye Can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time? I believe the world is burning to the ground Oh well I guess we’re gonna find out Let’s see how far we’ve come Let’s see how far we’ve come Well I believe …