Note from JWR:

Today we present another two entries for Round 36 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $300 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from (a $275 value), D.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo, and …

Something Is Always Better Than Nothing, by V.G.

For someone who was never a “prepper”, Hurricanes here in the South, will make you one, or at least a beginner, and in this tight economy, a little “Something is always better than nothing”.  I live in an area just north of Houston, Texas. My husband has always been of the mindset “you never know when we may need it”, so I have always had to deal with his “stock up on this or that” or “next time you go to the store, you need to get this or that”, you never “know” when we might need it or even …

Words To Live By, by Paul Z.

Everybody has a set of words that they live by- have you ever stopped to really think about which words might keep you alive? Time to get motivated. Sounds silly but there are eight very simple words that will get you on your way to becoming a different person, a person that identifies who and where they are in the universe, a person that plans, a person that starts down the road towards self-reliance, a person that is not apathetic, a person that commits to learn, a person that executes and maintains what they learn. You can be this person. …

Three Letters Re: Turning One Town’s Junk Into This Man’s Treasure

James: That was an excellent article by A. Arizonan! As a former newspaper deliverer (rural route in the American Redoubt), I would like to add that there are benefits to delivering or subscribing to newspapers. As a deliverer who serviced home customers and coin-op boxes, I could amass “extra” or “unsold” paper to the tune of about 300 to 500 pounds a month. To this day I still have about 2000 pounds in storage. I’d have more but I can’t properly store any more. The added benefit of my former route was that I got to meet a lot of …

Letter Re: Para Ord Pistols and Serpa Holsters, by G.N.

I’m writing to contribute my first hand experience to the recent review of the Para USA P14.  After desiring one for 20 years, I became the very disappointed owner of a US-made model nine months ago. First,  P14s for the last few years have the Power Extractor (PXT), which is a non-standard 1911 extractor. This means you’re stuck with it. You can’t readily replace it with off the shelf 1911 extractors and you can’t tune it.  Mine broke at under 200 rounds.  Although Pat summarily dismisses this as mere ‘Internet lore’, where there is smoke, there’s fire – and there …

Economics and Investing:

Refinancing Tips: What You Need to Know to Snag Today’s Rock-Bottom Rates Over at The Daily Bell: Biggest Story in the World? … China Faces Hard Landing Michael W. sent this: As prices soar, a new gold rush emerges in the West G.G. flagged this: Latest sign of hardship: Families unable to bury loved ones Items from The Economatrix: Job-Creation Plan Largely Ignores Housing Woes Gas Prices Jump But No Steady Climb Forecast Consumer Prices, Unemployment Claims Rise World Central Banks Flood Market With Dollars

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michael G. recommended a Peak Oil comic strip: ROME DIDN’T COLLAPSE IN A DAY    o o o Justice Drags her feet in Ohio: Lakewood woman’s lawsuit forces police to return confiscated firearms.    o o o Regulations Threaten School Tornado Shelters in Alabama. A bureaucratic nightmare! ( A hat tip to Timothy J. for the link.)    o o o Brett G. sent this: Michigan Hunter Kills 220-Pound Black Bear During Attack    o o o And, speaking of hunting, J. McC. sent this: Salisbury man banned from hunting worldwide. The North Carolina court’s jurisdiction in say, Zambia (or …