Odds ‘n Sods:

A few folks have written to ask me if I was “the anonymous expert” in the recent National Geographic “Doomsday Preppers” documentary. I was approached by the producers when they were planning the project last year, to be a “subject matter expert”. I didn’t have a good feeling about the project, so I passed. I’m now glad that I did. Their anti-prepper bias was apparent. Through some careful editing and voice-overs, the producers made the subjects of the documentary appear to be mentally imbalanced. For the record: I was not their anonymous expert!

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F.G. sent this: New wolf pack confirmed — a short drive from Seattle

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B.B. pointed me to an interesting piece at the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog: Pneumatic antenna launchers

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Reader J.H.B. mentioned a fascinating educational site: KoreanWar.org. This site would be of interest to anyone that enjoys military history and would be a great enrichment site for homeschoolers to launch some studies. OBTW, the site has even created a bit of controversy.

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K.A.F. sent this: Thieves Targeting Air Conditioners

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Thieves Steal Hundreds of Gallons of Diesel From Underground Tank