On a note to the mailorder glasses thread, for all of SurvivalBlog readers that are active duty military, reserve military, federal and local law enforcement, fire, EMS and those holding military retiree credentials, there is a couple other sites that I strongly recommend for buying very high quality eye wear for very discounted prices. The first site is USStandardIssue.com. They are the official site for Oakley military and government sales. They have a spin-off site: ESSeyepro.com. Both of these sites do make prescription sunglasses and Oakley makes regular prescription sunglasses. The ESS site also makes goggles (said to stop a shotgun blast from 35 ft). For you to become a member you do have to fax or e-mail a copy of your credentials which for some of you may not be acceptable due to your personal OPSEC precautions. I encourage eligible members to at least look at the site because this eyewear may someday save your eyesight. God Bless and keep up the prepping. – Steven B.
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