Odds ‘n Sods:

I heard from the developer of an interesting shelter system designed for natural disasters: LifeCube. It is a 144-square foot inflatable shelter that is transported in a 5-foot cube of pallets. The shelter is a very clever design and looks ideal for short-duration natural disasters.  However, its long term viability is dubious.  (Since it requires electricity (or compressed air), and once the integrity of the inflated envelope tubes is lost due to any large punctures, the structure will collapse. But I’ve been told that the fabric portion of the shelter is manufactured by the Patten Company which invented the inflatable Life Raft in 1946, so the quality is top notch.)

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These deadly animals will kill you in seconds

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This is criminal! Watch this C-SPAN clip: FOPA Hughes Amendment Vote on April 10, 1986. Here you can see how Chairman Charles Rangel (D.-NY) ram-rodded through a Federal machinegun freeze that clearly failed both a voice vote and a recorded vote. We are now saddled with an onerous law that is not only unconstitutional, but that also was NEVER PASSSED!

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Lost city of ‘cloud people’ found in Peru.

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Erik K. sent this article: Siberians Raided Rodent Caches for Food