Jim’s Quote of the Day:
“A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” – Winston Churchill
“A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” – Winston Churchill
I dislike the way that the New York Times often posts articles as a teaser for only the first 24 hours of publication, and then requires a registered “free” subscription. (Grumble, grumble.) If the NYT site link stops working, then here is a site that has re-posted Sunday’s “Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism” article, although it is sans the original links.
Jim, I wanted your opinion on something. I raise Quarter horses, mostly show prospects and have done this for a lifetime. I own the stallion, I do the breeding of my own mares and ship [straws of frozen] semen all over the country for others. I also train outside horses for a living. As you well know the horse economy like everything else is going down the tubes. I have been down sizing for the past three years as the Holy Spirit has prompted [my string] going [down] from 60 to 30. I did not breed any of my mares …
Hello, This is in response to TDs’ article on Retreat Livestock Guardians. My wife and I left the computer industry about 10 years ago and established our little retreat in N.E. Texas. We have 60 acres with a stream, couple of livestock ponds, well, and a cistern. We presently have as livestock: Boer goats, horses, donkeys – (both standard and what is called Giant), pigs, ducks, and chickens. And of course several cats. Cats keep the snakes, tarantulas, rodents, and other small nuisances away from the house and barns. Why I am writing is because when we moved out here …
Remember how I predicted that the global credit crisis would spawn a wave of forced buy-outs, mergers, acquisitions, and liquidations? Here is news of another one: Washington Mutual close to $5 billion deal with TPG, others. Be prepared for more mergers, many of which will be cases of “strange bedfellows” involving credit unions, pension funds, and perhaps even cities (municipal bonds). Derivatives contract defaults will indeed force some very odd partnerships and salvage operations. If managers’ only options are bankruptcy or buying out the counterparty to a derivative, then guess which they will choose? o o o Frequent contributor …
"Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders." – President Ronald Wilson Reagan
Thanks for all the many positive comments about the New York Times article (Sunday, April 6, 2008), titled “Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism”, where I was quoted. The article has helped generate lots of extra first-time visits to SurvivalBlog. (An amazing 12,003 unique visits on Sunday, which is usually our slowest day of the week!) To all you newbies that want a quick start: Read the “About” page, and then read my first few weeks of posts from 2005, starting at the bottom of the page and working your way up. The high bid in the current SurvivalBlog …
Mr. Editor: This spring is turning into a “yard and garden” wake up call. This winter is the first one I can remember in 29 years of owning this property where there was so much snow that the ground has been completely covered since the beginning of December until now [(early April)]. I still have shady spots with 18 to 24″ today. It is melting but it going to take a while. The piles by my driveway will be there until June. But [as the snow has receded] the thing we are finding is that the rabbits, mice and other …
James, [Regarding the letter from DS in Wisconsin:] Maybe and I mean maybe there would be someone to care for a injured or sick member of your retreat group or a doctor or nurse to look at them, probably not. If you have the gas to get them there. If you can leave enough security at the retreat and enough security to take with you. Remember, this is The End of the World as we Know It (TEOTWAWKI). There are several books that should be in a medical library you might already have them: Where There is No Doctor, Where …
Our friend Michael Bane, a gun writer and video producer (of Down Range TV and “Shooting Gallery” on The Outdoor Channel) now has short review segments on Ruger’s new polymer frame SR9 and LCP .380 pistols. The latter, weighing only 9.4 ounces looks like a cross between a Seecamp and a Kel-Tec. I’m not a fan of the pipsqueak .380 ACP (9mm Kurz) cartridge, but a gun that is close at hand at all times is vastly superior to grasping at air when trouble arrives. Concealed carry is, after all, a compromise. If I was expecting trouble, I’d be carrying …
“So that this nation may long endure, I urge you to follow in the hallowed footsteps of the great disobedience of history that freed exiles, founded religions, defeated tyrants, and yes, in the hands of an aroused rabble in arms and a few great men, by God’s grace, built this country.” – The Late Charlton Heston, from a speech to the Harvard Law School Forum, February 16, 1999
I’m quoted in today’s issue of the New York Times (Sunday, April 6, 2008), in an article titled “Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism”. The article is buried back in the Fashion and Style section. My quotes are on the second page of the online edition. The article itself is well-balanced, but readers just glancing at the title and accompanying photos will no doubt subconciously marginalize survivalists as some sort of paranoid whackos. Today we present another article for Round 16 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The writer of the best non-fiction article will win a valuable four …
When the grid goes down and predation goes up, from animals (wild and feral/formally domesticated) and other people will be a very large problem. The television show Jericho showed some of the problems with diminished game and a lack of dogs and cats. Right now a lot of city dwellers complain about the population of deer, raccoon, opossum, coyote and others. In the city they are a problem right now. If something drastic were to happen it would decimate those populations, removing most outside food sources for cities. Most people, who do not hunt for food, hunt for trophies and …
James, A few years ago I was interested in methanol since it worked well in fuel cells to generate electricity without combustion. Alas, I found that methanol [“wood alcohol”] is very toxic. Anyone in a burning methanol [extensively in a confined space] would shortly after feel “drunk” then [might eventually] die from methanol poisoning. Additionally, methanol you spill on your hands enters your bloodstream and damages your liver (permanently), any you inhale does likewise, and any that hits the ground will poison the soil and groundwater. Its bad stuff, not something you want to have around unless you really have …
Mark from Michigan sent us this: Homeland Security Blinks on Real ID Plan. o o o Rice Jumps to Record on Speculation Demand Will Outpace Supply.