Odds ‘n Sods:

Courtesy of Bob G.: Are You Watching the Food Riots? – Global civil unrest over skyrocketing food prices gives us an unpleasant glimpse at what human nature can do.    o o o Paul D. and Zac both sent us this: ‘Squawk Box’ Guest Warns of $12-to-$15-a-Gallon Gas    o o o From reader Frank S: An Oracle of Oil Predicts $200-a-Barrel Crude    o o o Another from Frank S: Today’s food crisis isn’t a blip

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“If socialism, a scheme of mediocrities rather than men of proven ability, is financially unworkable, what happens when the United States is at last socialized by confiscatory income taxes and strangulation of industry in the British manner? Without a capitalist nation to produce wealth, civilization may expect chaos.” – Economist Dr. Karl Fuerbringer (Austrian school)

Note from JWR:

The high bid in the SurvivalBlog Benefit Auction. is now at $600. This big auction is for any of you that are gun enthusiasts. It includes 17 items: A four day “gray” transferable Front Sight course certificate, which was kindly donated by Naish Piazza of Front Sight (worth up to $2,000), a $200 gift certificate from Choate Machine and Tool Company (the makers of excellent fiberglass stocks, folding stocks, and shotgun magazine extensions), $450+ worth of full capacity magazines from my personal collection including five scarce original Ruger-made 20 round Mini-14 magazines, and an autographed copy of the book “Boston’s …

Letter Re: The Supply of Battle Rifle Parts Kits in the US is Drying Up

Jim: In a recent post, you wrote: I recommend HK91 clones because they are presently less expensive than M1As, and their spares are much less expensive. An M14 parts kit (everything but the receiver) is around $750, if you can find one. But you can buy a G3 part kit for under $250.” Please tell me where I can buy $250 G3 parts kits. They have all dried up. $400 to $500 if you can find one. I’m needing a couple. Thanks, – Craig W JWR Replies: The last gun show that I attended (late last year) had a table …

Letter Re: Amateur Radio Frequency Bands and Licenses

Mr. Rawles, Concerning the mention under the “Communications Gear” category [in a recently-posted Profile]: “CB and base station with modified ham frequencies”. One bit of warning – if you don’t have a FCC Amateur Radio license, who do people think they are going to talk to on the ham frequencies? Amateur Radio is not the free-for-all situation that is commonly found on Citizen’s Band (CB). In addition to the FCC Rules & Regulations (Part 97), it tends to be very self-regulated. Even in an “emergency situation” you might find it difficult to find anyone willing to answer your bootleg transmissions …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hawaiian K. spotted a captivating article over at Wired: Peter Thiel Makes Down Payment on Libertarian Ocean Colonies. Well, the Memsahib has always talked about having a second home in the tropics. So, just for fun, I’ve started a Rawles Seastead “Chip-In” page.    o o o Several readers sent us this: High gas prices drive farmer to switch to mules    o o o Flhspete mentioned that Survival Bloggers in Missouri should check this out: Dealership offers free gas or a gun with new car: 80% choose the gun    o o o Dutch in Wyoming found this “signs …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"Liberty enters the field of journalism to speak for herself because she finds no one willing to speak for her. She hears no voice that always champions her; she knows no pen that always writes in her defense; she sees no hand that is always lifted to avenge her wrongs or vindicate her rights. Many claim to speak in her name, but few really understand her. Still fewer have the courage and the opportunity to consistently fight for her. Her battle, then, is her own to wage and win. She accepts it fearlessly, and with a determined spirit." – Benjamin …

Note from JWR:

I recently received the following Retreat Owner Profile. I will be adding it to the static web page. OBTW, I still have room for at least a dozen overseas profiles, as well as just a few more in the United States. (I’d like to reserve those few remaining slots for profiles for people with unusual retreat locales or unusual retreat approaches/modes–such as ‘Snowbirding” or sea-mobile.)

Retreat Owner Profile: Mr. and Mrs. Foxtrot

Present home: Recently moved to new residence in luxury community in South Texas because of a job loss in the Northwest. we sold our our 40 acre retreat because prices were top of the market and it could help in Texas to have no mortgage and to continue preparations. Many acquisitions will occur within the next year including another retreat property (prices are about same as when we bought our first retreat and inventory up in the Northwest.) Ages: 46 and 51 SOs: One adult child that lives out of state Annual income: $61,000+. Profession: Technology (him) and Homemaker (her). …

Two Letters Re: Martial Arts Fact Versus Fiction

Jim; The most recent response to this article includes the following quote: “ I noticed that many seem to be fans of Ultimate Fighting and I’m not going to say its fake, but it is entertainment. The fighters are great but lets be honest, the matches are intended to draw ratings by selling the drama.” I felt I needed to respectfully respond to this, not with the intention of arguing, but clarifying, based on a more educated and informed perspective on Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). I’ve been a martial artist for over ten years, and involved in Mixed Martial Arts …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent contributor Inyokern sent this: T. Boone Pickens offers further prognostication on Peak Oil and alternative energy.    o o o A reminder that Front Sight’s very generous “Get a Gun” training and gear package offer will be ending soon. It is limited to the first 5,000 people that sign up. The response has been huge, so don’t dawdle! If you miss out on this deal, you’ll surely regret it.    o o o Oil prices pass $133 per barrel after report of supply drop    o o o RBS sent us this: Guess this buyer saw a golden opportunity. …

Letter Re: Challenging Conventional Beliefs on Saving Hybrid Seeds

Hello James: Conventional wisdom holds that one should not plant seeds saved from “hybrid” plants. This wisdom is ironclad boilerplate and generally appears in paragraph 2, sentence 2 of every essay on gardening when it really counts. I want to push back on that idea. My understanding of agricultural history is that most farmers raised landraces of vegetables and animals prior to the 1600s. A landrace is a swarm of similar-but-not-identical plants or animals. There are very few exceptions, Merino sheep being one of them and asexually reproduced fruit trees being another. The introduction of “County Fairs” changed that. Suddenly, …

Letter Re: Potassium Iodide Versus Potassium Iodate for Post-Nuke Thyroid Gland Protection

James, You mentioned stocking up on Potassium Iodide (KI). The head trainer at Medical Corps–(I took their awesome class, thanks for giving it kudos)–developed Potassium Iodate (KI03). It has a huge benefit over KI, in that it doesn’t upset the stomachs of the people taking it [as much as KI]. Medicine is much more beneficial if you don’t involuntarily purge it. Another thing I’d like to mention to SurvivalBlog readers is that KI and KI03 don’t expire, even if the bottles have expiration dates marked. Since it is not an organic–it a very basic chemical compound. Iodine might leach out …