Letter Re: Guinea Fowl for Bug Control in Your Garden

After reading yet another article about how guineas do no harm in the garden, I thought it was time to toss in my thoughts on the matter. First, guineas do not do nearly the damage a flock of chickens will do. However… When mine were free to roam the garden, they dug their dust pits right at the base of plants because the soil under plants is cooler from both shade and watering. Be prepared to sacrifice plants to exposed roots. They walked up and down the rows of strawberries and pecked at all the green strawberries, which then just …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike found a web site from a builder of modern-day castles. Sadly, their extant castle projects seem to be designed for “fantasy” looks rather than tactical practicality. They have far too many windows at ground level. At least the walls are two feet thick. If I could ever afford to spend that much on a castle, I would want a real portcullis –not a fake one that is nothing more than a flimsy door.    o o o D.K. sent us an article which updates first mention in SurvivalBlog more than a year ago: Biodiversity ‘doomsday vault’ comes to life …

Note from JWR:

The high bid in the current SurvivalBlog Benefit Auction lot is now at $60. The auction is for three items: a 120 VAC/12 VDC BedFan Personal Cooling System (a $99 retail value), kindly donated by the manufacturer, a Thieves Oil Start Living Kit (a $161 retail value) donated by Ready Made Resources, and a copy of the latest edition of “The Encyclopedia of Country Living” by the late Carla Emery (a $32 retail value). The auction ends on March 15th. Please e-mail us your bids, in $10 increments.

Letter Re: Tradeoffs of Various Retreat Designs

Hi Jim What are your thoughts on the advantages of basements for cool storage, elevated construction for flood protection, sod roof/earth contact for insulation versus steel roofs for water collection? Perhaps some of the SurvivalBlog readers may wish to submit hypothetical retreat layouts with advantages and disadvantages and why they would choose a particular layout design. Regards,- JG JWR Replies: A sod roof or earth-berming creates some contradictions in retreat design goals, most notably that they typically block the defender’s view of one entire flank. This can be partially mitigated by properly placing supplementary defensive positions. Sod roofs are also …

Letter Re: Guinea Fowl for Bug Control in Your Garden

Hi Jim, In an e-mail, you had asked me “can guinea fowl can be kept in the garden or do they exhibit the same characteristics as chickens?” Our guineas free range into our open gardens all summer. They will eat small shoots, such as garlic and chives, and they do eat bean plants so we do need to protect them while young. They don’t seem to bother either tomatoes or squash/pumpkin plants. Once the garden plants reach mature height, they tend to leave them alone. I think they go after the small plants early in the season because there is …

Letter Re: Thoughts on Overseas Retreat Destinations

James Since I happen to be one of the people who made the decision to relocate overseas I hope have a useful take on the topic. Other than people who have a direct familial connection with the place they are planning to relocate to I generally am against overseas relocation. The only exception that I would consider is New Zealand but that is only if you have a skill that they are in need of right now and you fit their criteria. Leaving your familiar surroundings, culture, and language is very difficult even if you have the money to smooth …

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS flagged these two articles: Price of bread rising on wheat shortage and Wheat prices could defy a recession. Remember what I wrote about investing in productive farmland?    o o o Also from RBS: As Economy Slips, Yacht Sales Skyrocket. Of course, a portion of the buyers could be buying some of the smaller yachts as a G.O.O.D. contingency.    o o o Another sign of the times. Catalytic Converters Stolen. (Of course, with platinum at $2,169 per ounce, one can understand the temptation.) Thanks to Josh W. for finding that article.    o o o Seven readers sent …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Anyone who clings to the historically untrue – and thoroughly immoral – doctrine ‘that violence never settles anything’ I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and of the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and …

Note from JWR:

When you forward a post from SurvivalBlog to a friend, instead of copying and pasting it, please just send them the Permalink URL. (Click on the word “Permalink” below any post, and then copy that page’s URL.) That way the recipient will be able to follow any hyperlinks included in the post, and they can navigate the rest of the blog site, including the SurvivalBlog glossary and archives. Thanks for your help in spreading the word about SurvivalBlog!!

Four Letters Re: The Home Chicken Flock for Self-Reliance

Hi Jim – I am a “ten center” and read your blog every day. Just wanted to say that I thought Keith in Minnesota’s article on “Survival Chickens” was outstanding. A really good example of maximizing what you have (and leveraging Mother Nature) without spending huge amounts of effort or money to get a major benefit. – John   Jim and Memsahib, Regarding the recent blog entry “The Home Chicken Flock for Self-Reliance”, I have a few comments. I have been raising chickens since I was young and continue to this day. Having a source of fresh eggs is great …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric sent us the link to an Op-Ed piece over a the leftist Washington Post: Wall Street Bank Run. My, my, my, after only seven months the mainstream media is finally starting to catch on to the full implications of the global credit collapse.    o o o The Western Rifle Shooter’s Association (WRSA)’s first event scheduled for 2008 is a two day defensive handgun course, in Brookings, Oregon on March 15 & 16. The WRSA offers high quality training for very little money, so be sure to take advantage of it. OBTW, don’t overlook the many free online resources …

The Credit Collapse–The World’s Bankers Revert to Saying “No”

A recent news article titled Dresdner Rescues $19 Billion SIV, Follows Citigroup illustrates the severity of the global liquidity collapse. Note that the article mentions that the K2 SIV had no “direct exposure” to securities backed by subprime or midprime debt. But yet the fund failed dramatically. This adds credence to my assertion that the world’s entire credit market is essentially broken, and that despite frantic attempts by the central banks to inject liquidity (BTW, another $25 billion was just injected the Fed on Thursday), most of the major financial institutions are starting to crumble. In the very near future, …

Two Letters Re: Thoughts on Overseas Retreat Destinations

Mr. Rawles, In looking through your great web site I can’t tell if you’ve ever addressed the issue of having a non-US retreat. There are some notable characteristics of the USA that make it a less then optimal location in a TEOTWAWKI type scenario. I think specifically of very heavy reliance on personal vehicles and fossil fuels, a general ignorance about growing food, preserving food, raising livestock. There is a tremendous demographic heterogeneity (“diversity”) that in a crisis situation would become a very sore spot and possibly a source of violence. Also a Federal government that has shown an inclination …