Odds ‘n Sods:

Thanks to Manuel for sending this “.45 ACP versus 400 pound bear” story from the mountains of eastern Oregon: ‘Bears always run away’. OBTW, hammer down on a live cartridge is not a good way to carry a Model 1911 pistol! (There are safety issues in lowering the hammer without causing a negligent discharge, and the pistol carried in “Condition Stupid” is very slow to get into action.) Most bears and two-legged predators are not nearly so polite as to give someone the time to both un-holster and then thumb-cock a M1911 pistol. These pistols are properly carried in “Condition One” (a.k.a. “cocked and locked”.) I hope that the reporter just got that part of the story wrong. Oh and BTW, somebody must also educate the reporter on the difference between a “clip” and a magazine.

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Several readers sent us this chilling Daily Mail article: Nine meals from anarchy – how Britain is facing a very real food crisis

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A reminder that the WRSA has another Practical Medicine course scheduled, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, June 20 to June 22. This is excellent, very affordable training that is taught by an Emergency Room doctor with many years of practical experience. The course is subtitled: “Field Expedient Medical Care for Outdoorsmen in Austere Environments.”

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Jack in Texas notes that the US is not the only country that is top-heavy with accumulated debt. He sent this Korea Times link: Household Debts Hit All-Time High of W640 Trillion