I love your blog, it’s the only one I read, really. I’m writing to recommend APMEX.com as a source of precious metals, and pre-1965 [U.S.] silver coinage. I took your advice, and the advice of others, and decided to begin a precious metals investing program, starting with pre-’65 coins, and a few 1 oz American Silver Eagles. I searched all over the net looking for a place that would take a small order from a beginner, and found few, They sold large amounts, and there was always a call from a sales rep involved to complete the order process. Enter APMEX.com. Their prices certainly seem competitive to me, I bought Silver Eagles (their choice of years, since it’s cheaper, and I’m only in it for the silver content) and got them for $14.43 each, They also sell pre-’65 coins in lots as small as $1, although it is more expensive that way, but I found a deal for $10 face value for under $98, and ordered $20 face. The order process was completely online. The price “locks in” for 10 minutes when you click the submit button, and you can pay by credit card, which seems to be rare. They do charge a 3% fee for using the credit card, and in the future, I’ll be sending checks or money orders, but WOW! I received my order within a week, and I’m very pleased. I hope this helps your other readers, who may be waiting and saving because they cannot buy a whole bag of coin, or work nights like me, and aren’t awake for a sales rep call. OBTW, I received my signed copy of “Patriots”, and read it that same day. Excellent! I learned a lot, and enjoyed it. Thanks for writing it!
God Bless, – R.D.
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