Hi Jim,
Thinking about the need to catch local/regional info during a crisis and thought of the old time crystal radio sets to pick up AM radio. Many years ago kids used to build them at home or in Boy Scouts with locally available parts. Crystal radio sets are small, easy to build, easy to use, easy to repair, [JWR Adds: and just about EMP proof, if using a chunk of Galena (or piece of graphite pencil) as the detector, versus a modern germanium diode,] and require no power to operate them! While it seems that there are a lot of “hand crank powered” AM/FM radios about, what happens when they break? Can you fix it? With a crystal radio kit you can, because you built it in the first place. Crystal radio sets require a good long wire antenna, a decent earth ground and a quality ear phone to work properly. Some circuit designs are surprisingly sensitive and pick up far off stations very well. Kits are available for less than $20 from The Xtal Set Society And lots of useful crystal radio info can be found on Wikipedia.~6xddx6~
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