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If you find that what you read here is worth ten cents a day or more to you, then please become a Ten Cent Challenge subscriber to SurvivalBlog. Subscriptions are entirely voluntary, and gratefully accepted.
Dear Mr. Rawles, In answer to your query, let me share a few observations: 1. Gillespie and Kerr Counties are a paradise. The Guadalupe is a good river, and there is a lot of fertile and secluded canyon-bottom where folk can live their lives in peace. Those secluded canyons are frequently bordered by godless rocky outcrops. The other good thing about that part of the world is that the Germans that populate the area don’t tolerate lawlessness. Period. Fredericksburg in Gillespie is so German that municipal politics is still Protestant-Catholic. Kerville is little different. New Braunfels is similar, but is …
Sir:: I am looking for a non-FFL Mauser type action in 8mm for conversion to .444 Marlin. I desire [something] similar to 1888 Commission rifle or compatible [as a source] for a complete bolt and receiver. I would consider complete rifle, if shootable. Money is no object, if is the object spelled cheap. I am direct and on fixed income yet desire to do this project. – Pete JWR Replies: For building a pre-1899 bolt action chambered in .444 Marlin your best starting point (read: strong, yet, inexpensive) is a Model 1893 Oberndorf (Turkish contract) Mauser. The same action is …
“No sheep in the house!” In recent weeks we have been pasturing our small flock of Jacob sheep inside the fenced acre right near our house, to work the grass down. (The goal has been to minimize wiildfire danger.) While here at the house, the sheep have been getting into a little mischief. Yesterday our ram developed a taste for the leaves on our grape vines. So I’ll have to put up a small protective fence. They’ve also decided that our front porch is the safest place to sleep. So every morning we get to sweep the “Rasinets” off the …
"The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions never come." – C.S. Lewis