Our weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.
Reader D.S.V. was the first of several to mention this news: Boebert Introduces Legislation To Abolish The ATF [1].
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La Niña has arrived. Here’s what that means [2]. (Thanks to reader C.B. for the link.)
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Reader Rick V. wrote:
“I’ve been reading Thucydides on the Peloponnesian War. The introduction and first pages sound like scenarios in your books and others like it. Specifically the parts about having your harvest taken from you and how people acted. Tribes wandered and gathered because they could not count on being able to harvest. Battles were fought over the most fertile soil. Groups would move into Athens for protection. History most certainly repeats and often rhymes. Sounds like Haiti now. Only the law of might prevails. And evil runs rampant.
I read “One Second After” in 2012. Built my “Go Bag” while reading A. American on my computer screen with Amazon on the other screen ($ Ouch). I got smarter by hitting your site and buying your books ever since. Thank you. I now have “go” and “get home” bags that I can actually lift.
I note an ad on your site for the “Homestead” [movie and series]. I would be interested in seeing editorial comments having seen the film over the weekend. Encourage people to pick it apart. Items like how to properly shield your scope or binoculars from reflection. Nit-picky skill items like that would be very beneficial.”
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SurvivalBlog staffer Tom Christianson spotted this interesting interactive map from The Heritage Foundation — a conservative think tank: Defensive Gun Uses in the U.S. [3].
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Another from D.S.V.: Top 10 Cold Hardy Perennials for Northern Gardeners [4].
Every Manual Car You Can Still Buy in 2025 [5].
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Mike T. offered this:
“After reading today’s SurvivalBlog, Demographics, Dollars, and Our Destiny [6], I fully agree. Although I graduated from University almost sixty years ago, I do not recall studying, in any depth, the subjects you address in this essay. Outside of a few specific institutions today, I don’t know if a degree has any meaning whatsoever.
I also appreciate the fact that you have links to Redoubt News, especially here in Idaho. Our local rag, the “Times-Snooze”, provides mainly radical left-wing and RINO nonsense. Since they print the Idaho Statesman here in Twin Falls, I doubt they would stay afloat. My local Northside News in Jerome does a good job covering our community.
One particular item of interest locally is that of the Lava Ridge Wind Project. The local BLM Quislings gave the nod three weeks ago for this project to move forward over the staunch objections of myself, all of our five county commissioners, Senators Crapo and Risch, Congress Representatives Simpson, Fulcher, and anybody else that gives a d**n.
Now that the Trump administration will be assuming power in three weeks, I doubt this venture will occur. There is no value to Idaho. All power will be transmitted to California and Las Vegas. I am attaching some pertinent information. Feel free to use, in whole or part.”
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Whistleblowers Say Canadian Doctors Pushed Euthanasia On Unwilling Disabled Patients [7].
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Posted late last year: Shoplifters Learn the Hard Way that California Is Now Enforcing New Felony Laws [8].
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Reader E.P. wrote:
“I have been following the current article series on farming by Single Farmer with great interest. Yesterday’s part 2 article about food, famine, and pestilence throughout history was excellent, and it reminded me of a very interesting book summary that I found a few years ago: Man and Society in Calamity by Pitirim A. Sorokin, Copyright 1942. Summary by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E. [9].”
Please Send Us Your Snippets!
Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR [10]. or AVL [10]. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact [11] form.