Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. In this column, JWR [1] also covers hedges, derivatives, and various obscura. This column emphasizes JWR’s “tangibles heavy” investing strategy and contrarian perspective. Today, some more coverage of Blackrock.
Precious Metals:
The spot price of silver dropped to $22.70 per Troy ounce on Friday evening (June 23, 2023.) This brings the silver-to-gold ratio back above 85.1-to-1. Ratio traders should take heed.
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At Gold Forecast – This Could Be the Last Opportunity to Buy Gold Below $2000 [2].
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Economy & Finance:
US Slips Into a Recession Based on Biden Criteria [4].
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Video from Stoic Finance: Blackrock’s Total Collapse Begins [5].
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China’s Economy Is Faltering [6].
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Linked over at the [7]news aggregation site: Robert Kiyosaki Predicts that 2023 Will Have a Bigger Economic Crisis Than in 2008 [8].
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Massive data breach impacts CalPERS and CalSTRS, the nation’s biggest public pensions funds [9].
Mises Institute: The Carbon Capture Pipeline: The Latest Bridge to Nowhere [10].
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The U.S. will soon be in a recession, based on commodity price declines: strategist [11].
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Grid operators in central US issue advisories amid high load, low wind [12].
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From OilPrice News: U.S. Oil Drilling Slow Down Continues [13].
Inflation/Deflation Watch:
In The New York Times: Is the Inflation Battle Won? Not Yet [14].
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US consumers’ near-term inflation expectations hit two-year low; sentiment rises [15].
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Money-Supply Growth Falls By Depression-Era Levels For Second Month In April [16].
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Washington’s Bias for Continuous Inflationism [17].
Forex & Cryptos:
Pound to Euro Jumps as UK Two-year Bond Yield Slide Offers Relief [18].
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At Currency Thoughts: Weaker Growth, Lessening Inflation, But Central Banks Not Done Tightening [19].
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Bitcoin, Ether on Track for Strongest Weekly Gains Since March [20].
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PEPE Rising: 63% Weekly Gain Showcases Unstoppable Momentum [21].
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Litecoin (LTC) Bulls Charge Past $91 Following 20% Rally [22].
Tangibles Investing:
Home listings plummeted to record low in May: Redfin [23]. JWR’s Comments: As the United States slips into recession, the number of property listings and the “days on market” for properties awaiting sale will lengthen substantially. By this time next year, we can expect to be in a strong buyer’s market.
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Distressed commercial real estate properties top $64 billion [24].
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Palmetto State Armory [25] (PSA, one of our affiliate advertisers) is running some dandy “Days of Summer ” specials this week. For example, they have the weapon-mounted Steiner DBAL-I2 Dual Beam Aiming Red Lasers on sale for just $899. Normally, they are priced at $1,399. To find this laser aiming light, paste this SKU in PSA’s search box: 516551639341.
SurvivalBlog and its Editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos [26] page for our detailed disclaimers.
News Tips:
Please send your economics and investing news tips to JWR [1]. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form [27].) These are often especially relevant because they come from folks who closely watch specific markets. If you spot any news that would be of interest to SurvivalBlog readers, then please send it in. News items from local news outlets that are missed by the news wire services are especially appreciated. Thanks!